Official Announcements Welcome To Atlas Games Forum
From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 1/11/2002 3:22 pm
Message: 2.1
Welcome to the new Atlas Games Forum! I'm posting this a good few days before I'm going to add a link here on our website, just to test things out. Now that you're here, why don't you stay a while?

Here's the main reasons Atlas Games has started up this forum:

1. for fans of Atlas Games games to meet and talk with other fans,
2. for Atlas Games to announce new books and games to our fans and get direct feedback from them,
3. for customers to ask questions directly of Atlas Games employees about our games,
4. to foster a sense of community with the common ground of Atlas Games products.

I'm excited to start up this forum for Atlas Games, and I hope it turns out to be a good resource for you to learn more about Atlas Games and the products we make! If anyone has any questions about this forum, please feel free to contact me here or by my email.

Alex Knapik
Atlas Games

Edited 1/11/02 4:32:48 PM ET by ALEXATATLAS
From: prophet118 Posted on: 9/17/2002 3:39 pm
To: AlexAtAtlas
Message: 2.2
in reply to: 2.1

nice to see atlas on the nice and reliable delphi forums.. ive been on these things for a good long time... my questions are simple..


is there going to be some support/folder for Rune RPG in here

and is there any plans for Rune RPG products?......such as a character generator, or various other electronic programs?


im trying to get a friend to write me an initiative program.....just something simple to keep track of initiative, and who gets multiple actions

From: John Nephew Posted on: 9/17/2002 10:38 pm
To: prophet118
Message: 2.3
in reply to: 2.2

> is there going to be some support/folder for Rune RPG in here

I believe for the moment that we are continuing to have the other Rune game forum as the place for Rune talk (though we're open to persuasion).

> and is there any plans for Rune RPG products?

There is a Rune Coriolis book (dual statted for Rune and D20) in the works. I believe Michelle even has a manuscript in hand, and that it's had some playtesting.

> ......such as a character generator, or various other electronic
> programs?

We are not planning any electronic support (computer programming isn't really our bag), but I've heard talk of various folks working up generators and stuff.

From: prophet118 Posted on: 9/18/2002 12:09 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 2.4
in reply to: 2.3
well, im hoping that we get some sort of program for Rune... mainly so i can keep track of encounters, and npcs, and pcs.. plus being able to track treaure and