Official Announcements An atlas to the Atlas Games Forum
From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 1/11/2002 5:09 pm
Message: 3.1
All right, somehow I've managed to rope you here. What are you supposed to post at the Atlas Games Forum?

Well, to make sure we have our forum as organized as possible, I've created several folders to post messages. Here's a rundown of what you're supposed to do in each one:

1. Official Announcements
This is where Atlas Games will post new information about us. Product announcements, book ship dates, etc. You can reply to topics posted here, but you can't make up your own.

2. Gamer's Connection
This forum is where everyone, when possible, should make a quick post introducing themselves to the Atlas community. It's also where you can post if you're looking for players of a game in your city or area.

3. The Gaming Atlas
This forum is for discussion of games by other companies or the gaming industry in general. Atlas likes games from other companies too! Just not as much as our games. Okay, sometimes even more than our games...

4. The Daily Grind
This folder is where someone from Atlas Games will post once a day about, well, SOMETHING. What's going on that day at Atlas, what's happening here in Minnesota, what someone wants to rant about... whatever. This folder is reply-only.

5. Atlas RPGs
This forum is for discussing anything and everything about each of Atlas Game's RPG lines. There are individual forums for Ars Magica, Feng Shui, Unknown Armies, and Over the Edge. ** The Official Rune Forum is at We don't have a separate folder here for Rune because there's a lot of great traffic there. Check it out if you're a Rune fan.

6. Ars Magica
7. Feng Shui
8. Unknown Armies
9. Over the Edge

10. Atlas D20
This forum is specifically for all of Atlas Games products released under the d20 license (Penumbra, Coriolis, Nyambe, etc.). Check out our website for more information about the d20 System and what Atlas Games does with it.

11. Atlas Card and Board Games
There are separate folders for Once Upon a Time, Lunch Money, and On the Edge CCG. This forum is for discussion for our other card and board games, like Corruption, Letterhead, and Cults Across America.

12. Once Upon a Time
13. Lunch Money
14. On the Edge CCG

15. Tell the WebJanitor
That's me, Alex Knapik, Atlas Games Web Janitor extraordinaire. I call myself a "web janitor" because that's what I do: clean up the web pages, mop up messes, make sure everything's in order. Trust me, I'm no webmaster. Anyway, concerns, complaints, and criticisms about the forum or the Atlas Games website ( go here.

Well, that's about it. Have fun!

Alex Knapik
Atlas Games

Edited 1/11/02 5:47:14 PM ET by ALEXATATLAS

Edited 1/11/02 5:49:14 PM ET by ALEXATATLAS
From: Stanoje Zupunski Posted on: 6/19/2002 7:55 pm
To: AlexAtAtlas
Message: 3.2
in reply to: 3.1

Hi Alex,

You wrote:

<1. Official Announcements
You can reply to topics posted here, but you can't make up your own. >

Could it be that you haven't yet set the posting rights for this folder? I'm just a visitor, but I'm allowed to post.

From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 6/20/2002 10:29 am
To: Stanoje Zupunski
Message: 3.3
in reply to: 3.2
Hmm, it must be. I set up this forum back in January, but we just launched it yesterday. I blame my January self; I was younger and less wise then.
From: Stanoje Zupunski Posted on: 6/20/2002 10:55 am
To: AlexAtAtlas
Message: 3.4
in reply to: 3.3
The solution is obvious: send a message to your younger self.
From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 6/20/2002 10:56 am
To: Stanoje Zupunski
Message: 3.5
in reply to: 3.4
Back in time posting; I knew there was a reason I set up the forum with Delphi!