Official Announcements [INTRO] Alex Knapik
From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 1/14/2002 6:26 pm
Message: 4.1
Since I'm expecting everyone else to introduce themselves in this folder, I guess I'd better start myself.

I'm Alex Knapik, and I work for Atlas Games in a variety of roles, including running the website and this message board. I've been at Atlas for about a year and a half. I'm 22 years old and live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. A bad fuzzy picture of me in an Underground t-shirt can be found below. I've also done some freelance writing, including work on In Your Face Again for Feng Shui, Touched by the Gods and En Route for Penumbra, and a column last year for the Gaming Outpost website.

Like too many people that work in the gaming, I haven't tons of time to play many games since I started working in the industry. I grew up playing the Shadowrun RPG for years. Right now, I'm not in any roleplaying campaigns, though that doesn't stop me from buying most new games that come out. I still try and play card games like Lunch Money and stuff as much as possible. As for my top games: I really like Unknown Armies (shameless, I know), Mage, Call of Cthulhu, Twilight 2000... I'm sure I could go on for a while. I think Hogshead Publishing's New Style games are the best books out there right now, and I'm very eagerly awaiting the Nobilis hardcover from them.

There, that wasn't so bad... if I can do it, so can you! Take a minute to let everyone know who you are, even if you just lurk and don't post otherwise.