Official Announcements January 22nd, 2002
From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 1/22/2002 7:05 pm
Message: 14.1
So. besides the *really* boring stuff I did (including 7 mail orders), I put up the preview PDF for The Ebon Mirror and the announcement for the upcoming Penumbra sourcebook Occult Lore. I was originally going to have a new magical system in Occult Lore, but I'm a hack, and my piece was rejected. No worries though - they don't know what I put in the pitcher of water in the office refridgerator... Oh yeah, and I formatted and put up final cover images for 4 other books too. And, for the sake of putting up a list, here's my list of the best three Penumbra covers:

1. Occult Lore - Beautiful colors. This is what non-scene or action-based fantasy covers should look like. This book will stand out on the store shelves.

2. Backdrops - This one is just Disney-esque, and while I hate Disney, this cover is too cute! It gives the feel of the book being a "GM's tool"-type work, which of course it is.

3. Touched by the Gods - Great action, great colors, great picture.