Ars Magica [INTRO] David Chart
From: David Chart Posted on: 6/19/2002 5:33 pm
Message: 20.1

I'm David Chart, and I'm the Ars Magica Line Editor. I work for Atlas on a freelance basis, and live in Cambridge, UK. This is good, because it means that John Nephew can't come to my office and hassle me. It's also bad, because I can't go to John Nephew's office and hassle him.

I've been playing Ars Magica for about thirteen years now, and writing for it on a regular basis for about six. I've only been the Line Editor since January, and none of the books I've been responsible for have come out yet.

Despite working in the games industry, I am actually managing to play in an Ars Magica saga at the moment. The saga has a web page, at

Any questions about Ars Magica should be addressed to me in the first instance, because if you ask anyone else at Atlas they just forward the email to me anyway.

David Chart
Ars Magica Line Editor

Edited 6/19/2002 5:38:57 PM ET by David Chart (ARMEDITOR)
From: Damelon Kimbrough Posted on: 7/11/2002 1:58 pm
To: David Chart
Message: 20.2
in reply to: 20.1
I'm Damelon Kimbrough and I used to be the Ars Magica line editor. I had to use DamelonX as my username because some other person, who is probably really named Fred is already using my real name as his username. Is nothing sacred? *chuckle* [I have since discovered that I can set my real name as my nickname, how very strange.]

While I enjoyed (most of) my time as the grog in charge of Ars Magica, I think David is better qualified and 100% better suited to developing material for the line. Actually, I think David is over qualified for the job. Eventually, he will get snatched away by some prestigious university, so enjoy his tenure as the line editor while you can.

I have been involved with Ars Magica for quite a while now and even after thinking that I would divest myself from the game, I find myself once again participating. I have been fortunate to have worked with many very creative people on Ars Magica projects over the years and hope to still find a way to occasionally contribute.

Damelon Kimbrough
The grog who was king.

Edited 7/11/2002 4:56:41 PM ET by Damelon Kimbrough (DAMELONX)

Edited 7/12/2002 12:01:35 AM ET by Damelon Kimbrough (DAMELONX)
From: John Nephew Posted on: 7/11/2002 3:04 pm
To: Damelon Kimbrough
Message: 20.3
in reply to: 20.2
Hey, Damelon! It's great to see you stopping by.

How go plans to digitize the early issues of Mythic Perspectives? I think you should make them available via or's pay-per-download. Maybe do two-issue sets for $5 -- that's cheaper than the paper issues, but still gets you a decent net (I think both take a 20% commission), and you don't hassle with taking payments or burning disks. (RPGNow will burn a CD for someone who does't want to download their selections.) Might be worth looking into!

From: David Chart Posted on: 7/12/2002 4:34 pm
To: Damelon Kimbrough
Message: 20.4
in reply to: 20.2
Well, what can I say to that. Thanks, Damelon!

Actually, I think you're selling yourself a bit short -- you got more Ars Magica books out than I have so far, so we know you could actually do the job. That's yet to be proved in my case...

David Chart
Ars Magica Line Editor