Unknown Armies No really, UA2 rocks my world
From: John Tynes Posted on: 6/20/2002 3:43 am
Message: 24.1
I still haven't gotten tired of telling everyone and their dog how much I love the upcoming second edition of Unknown Armies. I believe we did a great job and it's going to be a book that inspires people to tell amazing stories.

In the Very Near Future, the Atlas web site is going to have a terrific UA2 desktop image/wallpaper graphic, plus a big fat Acrobat file containing the first 30-odd pages of the book, with art and everything. That includes the complete character creation chapter, which is so much better than the one in the last edition we're giving it away out of pluck or moxie or spunk or some other five letter word.

Anyway, watch the skies for more news soon. And if you haven't seen it before, the Unknown Armies mailing list is a terrific resource. Subscription info and archives are online at:


John Tynes | john@tynes.com
Delta Green Computer Game | http://www.DeltaGreen.com/
Unknown Armies | http://www.Atlas-Games.com/
Puppetland | http://www.hogshead.demon.co.uk/
Revland | http://www.JohnTynes.com/
From: Stanoje Zupunski Posted on: 6/20/2002 6:09 am
To: John Tynes
Message: 24.2
in reply to: 24.1

John, are we going to see some of those creepy photos in the new edition? The black and white photographs you included in the old books helped a lot to create a suitable atmosphere for the game.


From: Chad Underkoffler Posted on: 6/20/2002 9:06 am
To: John Tynes
Message: 24.3
in reply to: 24.1
> That includes the complete character creation chapter, which is so
> much better than the one in the last edition we're giving it away
> out of pluck or moxie or spunk or some other five letter word.

Verve? Vigor? Pride?

Looking forward to it, me.

Chad Underkoffler [ chadu@yahoo.com ]
"Pardon me while I have a strange interlude." -- Groucho Marx
From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 6/20/2002 10:27 am
Message: 24.4
in reply to: 24.1
In the Very Near Future, the Atlas web site is going to have a terrific UA2 desktop image/wallpaper graphic, plus a big fat Acrobat file containing the first 30-odd pages of the book, with art and everything.

Very very soon meaning in the next three days. We're shipping out the Penumbra Occult Lore book (hopefully today), but once that's done the new UA2 pages are the next thing on my list. I can't wait.

Alex Knapik
Atlas Webjanitor

From: John Tynes Posted on: 6/20/2002 1:10 pm
To: Stanoje Zupunski
Message: 24.5
in reply to: 24.2
Well, you managed to zero in on the one thing you won't see in UA2! I decided to drop the photographs. To make more room for content, I got rid of those double-page chapter spreads in the new book design, so the photos went with them.

In future sourcebooks, they will still turn up on the inside covers as always. Just not throughout the book.

I'm glad you like my photos, though! I just spent a month traveling around bits of Europe and came home with hundreds of new images--some of which are even good...

John Tynes | john@tynes.com
Delta Green Computer Game |
Unknown Armies |
Puppetland |
Revland | http://www.JohnTynes.com/
From: Stanoje Zupunski Posted on: 6/20/2002 2:55 pm
To: John Tynes
Message: 24.6
in reply to: 24.5

< I just spent a month traveling around bits of Europe and came home with hundreds of new images--some of which are even good... >

Read about that in your blog, actually. Are you going to put some of the photos up on the new-and-improved version of Revland?

From: opossum101 Posted on: 6/21/2002 10:03 am
To: Stanoje Zupunski
Message: 24.7
in reply to: 24.6
what future supplement are planned for UA? What about Max Attak book...Weep was great and I am looking forward to UA2 but I want more...as in more sourcebooks


From: Stanoje Zupunski Posted on: 6/21/2002 11:59 am
To: opossum101
Message: 24.8
in reply to: 24.7

I guess the chance John will answer is greater if you adress your question to him :-)


From: Evilgaz Posted on: 6/24/2002 10:53 am
To: AlexAtAtlas
Message: 24.9
in reply to: 24.4
So... I was about to make characters for a new UA campaign tonight, now I see that the new stuff for character gen will be posted "soon"... should I wait with bated breath... or just go ahead and make them anyway? Is there a big difference (obviously I'll be getting second edition regardless when it comes out - support your local games store kids)?

Gaz (Evil).

From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 6/24/2002 12:18 pm
To: Evilgaz
Message: 24.10
in reply to: 24.9
Bah! I had no idea that it's been on our ftp site. It'll definitely been up tommorrow, if not this afternoon. I'll post to this message board when it's up.

No one tells the grunt anything.

Edited 6/24/2002 1:26:04 PM ET by ALEXATATLAS
From: Daniel Coffin Posted on: 6/26/2002 12:33 am
To: John Tynes
Message: 24.11
in reply to: 24.1
I'm probably going to come across like an ignoramus worthy only of scorn and derision, but: when is this going to be released? Many thanks! Can't wait to see it.


Yes, that's *really* my name. Would I make this stuff up?
From: John Nephew Posted on: 6/26/2002 12:45 am
To: Daniel Coffin
Message: 24.12
in reply to: 24.11
The latest word from the printer is that the books should be delivered to us on July 8. I expect you'll see 'em in stores about 1-2 weeks after that.

John Nephew * President, Atlas Games * www.atlas- games.com

651-638-0077 voice, 651-638-0084 fax

From: Evilgaz Posted on: 6/27/2002 3:46 am
To: AlexAtAtlas
Message: 24.13
in reply to: 24.10
You've forgotten haven't you.

Go on, admit it.

Tell you what, to save messing about with the website you could just mail me a draft of the new UA2 book...

From: John Nephew Posted on: 7/3/2002 5:17 pm
To: John Tynes
Message: 24.14
in reply to: 24.1
Much to our surprise, Unknown Armies 2nd Edition arrived today.

We have shipped to the handful of non-US distributors who had orders in already. (It takes them longer to get their stuff anyhow, with freight and customs.) We also expressed some copies to the crew at Origins, who were already there and busy setting up the booth when we got the shipment.

The long and the short of it is that we have the books a bit early, but with the holiday and all we still won't be shipping to US distributors until Monday, the 8th. However, we now know that date's definite...

-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games

From: SamAmok Posted on: 7/3/2002 10:43 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 24.15
in reply to: 24.14
Does that means that Im getting my contributors copy earlier? o.O


Edited 7/4/2002 4:15:31 AM ET by SAMAMOK
From: Mista_Loco Posted on: 7/4/2002 5:36 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 24.16
in reply to: 24.14
Ohhh! Could you tell me if this includes any swedish distributors?

Ronnie Grahn

From: John Nephew Posted on: 7/8/2002 12:40 am
To: Mista_Loco
Message: 24.17
in reply to: 24.16
Alas, we have not seen any orders recently from our one distributor in Sweden. I'm hoping they've been buying indirectly through another wholesaler (US or European), which often happens.