Ars Magica Hi, first time poster, long time player
From: qcipher Posted on: 6/20/2002 10:43 am
Message: 25.1
Hi, like the message says I've been playing ArM for awhile now, I started in the early 90s with ArM 3e and have since joined a campaign that's been going on for close to ten years, and I am currently running a campaign off and on for the past 3 years. I live in the Chicago area suburbs and I play a variety of games, including D&D 3e, Warhammer, Vampire and Star Wars. I enjoy posting on forums like these, especially while I'm at work because I get plenty of free time (I work in tech support). My favorite Houses are Flambeau then Verditius. Just introducing myself, happy posting.
From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 6/20/2002 11:29 am
To: qcipher
Message: 25.2
in reply to: 25.1
Welcome to the forums!
From: qcipher Posted on: 6/20/2002 6:02 pm
To: AlexAtAtlas
Message: 25.3
in reply to: 25.2
Thanks, can never be on too many forums. I 'work' 10 hour shifts.
From: Abank Posted on: 8/6/2002 1:54 pm
To: qcipher
Message: 25.4
in reply to: 25.1
Verditius is my favorite House too! Jeremiah has had the dubious honor of Storyguiding a saga into which I slouched for over a year. I'm sure he will attest to my rules-monkey and munchkin-like nature as a player, for which Verditious is almost ideal. 8)