Card and Board Games The man behind the fish
From: Queex Posted on: 6/20/2002 5:11 pm
Message: 29.1
I'm Ben Wright, studying PhD Statistics. At the start of the summer, I've just led my Uni Feng Shui campaign to a minor climax involving cages of burning children and a hydraulic torture rack.

I'm currently collecting the various Feng Shui supplements, writing a Java version of a classic Spectrum computer game, maintaining the Feng Shui section of my web-site, helping develop a MUSH, awaiting delivery on my copy of Neverwinter Nights, assistant directing a play, contributing to h2g2 and trying to find the theoretical maximum damage in a single turn of Lunch Money.

I like to keep busy.

I've also got Furry Pirates, which is an interesting little system.

Oh, and I live in Coventry, UK.

(My best max damage in LM is 17, by the way)

Been there, done that, got the XP.
From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 6/21/2002 10:55 am
To: Queex
Message: 29.2
in reply to: 29.1
Welcome -thanks for stopping by!
From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 7/26/2002 5:06 pm
To: Queex
Message: 29.3
in reply to: 29.1
My best Lunch Money damage is 24, I think.

Then again, I cheat.

Edited 7/26/2002 6:19:34 PM ET by ALEXATATLAS
From: Queex Posted on: 7/27/2002 4:20 am
To: AlexAtAtlas
Message: 29.4
in reply to: 29.3
Stinker. How, exactly? By having a hand of eight cards?
From: Call Sign: Chainsaw Posted on: 7/30/2002 6:26 am
Message: 29.5
in reply to: 29.1
How are you getting such massive damages?

I thought the best someone could manage in a turn was 13, with an Uppercut Squared - Hail Mary combo.
(and you know your opponent would just defend with Humiliation)


From: Queex Posted on: 7/30/2002 8:26 am
To: Call Sign: Chainsaw
Message: 29.6
in reply to: 29.5
Okay, for mine you need Upper^2, Kick4, Hail Mary and a Humil.

You open with the U^2, which your target blocks. You then humiliate the block and follow the Humil with the Hail Mary. However, as your humiliated the block, you can then follow the U^2 up with the kick, for a total of 17.

Or, you fire off a Big Combo, which is defended against twice. You humiliate both the defences and follow up with the Hail Mary and the Kick4 (17 again, but needing 5 cards instead of 4).

See? Not that I've actually seen either of these in play...

From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 7/30/2002 1:57 pm
To: Queex
Message: 29.7
in reply to: 29.4
Eight cards, nine cards, whatever I need to win. Like I said I cheat.
From: Queex Posted on: 7/31/2002 4:55 am
To: AlexAtAtlas
Message: 29.8
in reply to: 29.7
Were you the kid that stood alone in the corner of the playground while everyone else jeered? ;)

It's okay. You can talk about it here. Let it all out.