Official Announcements June 26, 2002
From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 6/26/2002 4:48 pm
Message: 39.1
Another great thing about having a window in my office is the fantastic view I got all day yesterday of the shirtless construction workers putting down a new layer of asphalt in the parking lot. Mmmmm ... sweaty pasty-white overweight guys driving tractors back and forth and back and forth across the lot for hours on end.

-Michelle Nephew

From: Stanoje Zupunski Posted on: 6/26/2002 6:56 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 39.2
in reply to: 39.1
Admit it, you're only in the industry for all the glamour.
From: Evilgaz Posted on: 6/27/2002 3:48 am
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 39.3
in reply to: 39.1
Some people would say that you should be doing some work rather than looking out the window imagining a Diet Coke ad, but they're just crazy... :)