Feng Shui Going to HK, anyone need anything?
From: Mindcrime999 Posted on: 6/28/2002 1:26 am
Message: 40.1
I'm going to be in Hong Kong on the 4th of July to make a visa run. Any of you Feng Shui fans want anything? Jackie Zhang or Andy Lau cds? Bootleg movies, bootleg software, bootleg boots, bootleg legs, etc.

Mwah-hah-hah-hah. I feel like Eddie Murphy - "I got the ice cream, you cannot have it. Wanna lick? PSYCHE!"

Sorry, my brain is getting overheated writing something for Michelle and I'm slowly losing my sanity. Apologies for my unbridled masochism.


Chris Jones
Not yet a Feng Shui writer, just a freelance d20 one

Edited 6/28/2002 1:52:24 AM ET by MINDCRIME999
From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 6/28/2002 10:34 am
To: Mindcrime999
Message: 40.2
in reply to: 40.1
Hm, well, I *was* planning on making a DVD order (non-bootleg). Where do you live? I'm just trying to figure how much the postage cost would be reduced :)
From: Mindcrime999 Posted on: 6/28/2002 12:21 pm
Message: 40.3
in reply to: 40.2
Well, I'm in Taiwan right now (I live in St. Louis, normally, but I'm over here...ah....well, "negotiating" with my parents-in-law to be) so if you really wanted a hard to find video or something, I'd could get it. Postage might be the same tho :)


From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 6/29/2002 11:39 pm
To: Mindcrime999
Message: 40.4
in reply to: 40.3
Oh, well, thanks for the offer anyhow!
From: Mindcrime999 Posted on: 6/30/2002 12:37 am
Message: 40.5
in reply to: 40.4
No problem. Actually, what I was getting at (very, very obliquely I suppose ) was: For GMs who run campaigns that use HK as a setting I'd be happy to pick up some tourist maps of the islands in the airport, or metro maps, or even take pictures of specific sites since the place is so small and I'll be there anyhow (I can put the pics on my server.) Maps and stuff don't cost much to mail, so it's no skin off my nose, really.


From: KWBaker Posted on: 6/30/2002 2:57 pm
To: Mindcrime999
Message: 40.6
in reply to: 40.5
I've just been getting a Feng Shui campaign going over the last few months, and I'd love to see metro or tourist maps! If there's anything I could do in exchange for getting maps in the mail, let me know. How long are you going to be in Taiwan?

-Keith Baker

From: Mindcrime999 Posted on: 6/30/2002 10:06 pm
To: KWBaker
Message: 40.7
in reply to: 40.6
I'm going to be in Taiwan til August or September, then I head back to the States. I'll pick up a bunch of maps and what not in HK and mail them to you -- just send me your address. My email is: mindcrime@sff.net. I'll be going over to HK on Thursday and coming back to Taiwan on Sunday afternoon, so whatever I pick up I'll send on that following Monday or Tuesday.
