Unknown Armies Kewl.
From: Evilgaz Posted on: 7/3/2002 7:54 am
Message: 42.1
Good to see the preview UA kit up on the site. Looks pretty groovy, and the character gen is cetainly a bit more user friendly, especially for new players getting a grip on the game. If the rest of the book's as good as this I'll be very impressed...


From: John Nephew Posted on: 7/3/2002 11:56 am
To: Evilgaz
Message: 42.2
in reply to: 42.1
Thanks! And prepare to be impressed. ;)

We're still expecting the books to arrive Friday (7/5) or Monday (7/8), and shipping to distributors on 7/8, if all goes well. Woo hoo!

From: Evilgaz Posted on: 7/5/2002 4:12 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 42.3
in reply to: 42.2

I'll pressume you're using crazy assed American dating methods so 7/8 means 8th July and not the more traditional convention we use in the UK(which would be 7th August)... ;)


From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 7/8/2002 2:40 pm
To: Evilgaz
Message: 42.4
in reply to: 42.3
Crazy ass, indeed. Everything's packed up now, waiting for UPS man to pick up and send to distributors.