Official Announcements July 8th, 2002
From: John Nephew Posted on: 7/8/2002 5:17 pm
Message: 44.1
The UPS man is gone with a truck full o' Unknown Armies goodness!

It's been a busy day, and I'm tired and still have stuff to do, so not much to say here. Except that we're enormously pleased that two of our three monster hardcovers of the summer are now in hand (leaving us the task of finding room in the warehouse for the arrival, less than a month hence, of #3, Nyambe!), and we think they came out great.

We got a call from Jerry Corrick about how Origins went. Sounds like it was an extremely good show, with record-breaking sales for us, including selling out of all the copies of UA2 that we sent Next Day Air to them. Woohoo!

-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games