Feng Shui OCT 02: Thorns of the Lotus
From: John Nephew Posted on: 7/12/2002 7:13 pm
Message: 48.1
Atlas Games Presents
Thorns of the Lotus
The Eaters of the Lotus Sourcebook for Feng Shui
by Rich Warren

The Eaters of the Lotus are back, and these screechy-voiced eunuch sorcerers are looking for trouble! Now encased in a durable hardcover binding, what they've got left to protect -- their secrets -- is better protected than ever.

Atlas Games is pleased to announce the return to print of the rarest and most sought-after Feng Shui sourcebook from the Daedalus era: Thorns of the Lotus! In the year 69 A.D., a conspiracy of eunuch sorcerers manipulate the emperor like puppeteers, and plot to dominate the world -- not only in their own time, but in the centuries to come, now that they've discovered the Netherworld and its paths to the future.

This book describes Gao Zhang, mastermind of the Lotus, and his emasculated co-conspirators, their organization, minions, plans and operations in other junctures, and their own documents and teachings ... as well as featuring running commentary from outside observers. Not a eunuch? Don't worry; you don't have to pay the price of Lotus admission to use this book's creature powers, sorcery schticks, character types, and a ready-to-play adventure!

Stock Number: AG4008 • ISBN 1-58978-028-0 • SRP $27.95 (US)
Description: 112 pages (may be subject to change), hardcover

Shipping to Distributors in October 2002

From: Queex Posted on: 7/14/2002 4:05 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 48.2
in reply to: 48.1
As they say, Whoo!
From: ve6neo Posted on: 7/14/2002 5:24 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 48.3
in reply to: 48.1
October... well that's only 3 months away!

Let the counting down begin.


From: xiombrag Posted on: 7/15/2002 10:57 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 48.4
in reply to: 48.1
Any major changes in the new version that make it worth picking up for those of us with the old version?

love * Eris * RPGs * Anime * Magick * Carroll * techno * hats * cats * Dada
Kirt "Loki" Dankmyer -- xiombarg@io.com -- Dance, damn you, dance!
From: John Nephew Posted on: 7/15/2002 10:23 pm
To: xiombrag
Message: 48.5
in reply to: 48.4
> Any major changes in the new version that make it worth
> picking up for those of us with the old version?

No major changes should be expected. (Except the hardcover binding and new artwork, that is.)

From: DarrinBright Posted on: 7/16/2002 9:37 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 48.6
in reply to: 48.5

Why hardcover? None of the other faction books are hardcover. Are all future Feng Shui releases/reissues going this route?

From: John Nephew Posted on: 7/16/2002 3:11 pm
To: DarrinBright
Message: 48.7
in reply to: 48.6
Going forward, our plan is to focus on hardcover sourcebooks for our three main non-D20 lines -- Feng Shui, Ars Magica and Unknown Armies. It boils down to economics and an assessment of the market niches of those lines. We're hoping that hardcover will increase the value of the books to players, but more importantly we just need to increase revenues from those lines, in order to fund more investment in supporting them (something we really haven't kept up on recently, because of increasing costs, declining initial sales -- something that can to some extent be attributed to fewer distributors in the marketplace --, etc.).

The options I was considering was going $24.95 for a standard 128 pp softcover, or $29.95 for the same size hardcover. We're starting with the latter (though I guessed 112 pp for Thorns, since the original edition was 120 and our page layout has more dense text than the Daedalus sourcebook). I figure if we're going to try aiming at the "prestige" end of things, we may as well not hold back too much.

I hope to try this pricing/format with at least one book for each line and see how it's received.

From: Queex Posted on: 7/17/2002 4:51 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 48.8
in reply to: 48.7
I don't object to sourcebooks being hardcover; they get some serious use. As long as the price hike isn't too large I'm in favour. I've noticed that my two newest FS softback sourcebooks are already starting to look a little tattered at the edges.
From: John Nephew Posted on: 7/17/2002 3:18 pm
To: Queex
Message: 48.9
in reply to: 48.8
I hope the price hike isn't perceived as too large, though I see that as a risk. To be honest, we'd have to be making a substantial price hike anyhow, even staying softcover... On the bright side, we have a lot of ideas of what to do with extra revenue (for a start, a new hire starts work in August; in another department, we've started improving our pay scale to writers and artists, plus we've been doing more advertising than we have in years -- including a run of ads in Dragon magazine, which will include ads for non-D20 products in future months).
From: Sensei Posted on: 9/5/2002 6:02 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 48.10
in reply to: 48.9
I'd just like to say, for the record,
I can't wait for TotL! In hardback, no less! Heh heh heh! Sweeeeeet!

Edited 9/5/2002 6:03:54 AM ET by Sensei (SENSEI22)
From: Jedi GoodKnight Posted on: 10/2/2002 9:21 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 48.11
in reply to: 48.1
To quote Uncle Benny from Lethal Weapon 4: "Bloody marvellous!"

So what's the Secret Evil Plan for the FS line after Thorns is released?


From: John Nephew Posted on: 10/2/2002 11:55 pm
To: Jedi GoodKnight
Message: 48.12
in reply to: 48.11
The magic 8-ball says to ask again later. ;-)

It also says that Thorns is running late, and is unlikely to actually make it out in October. On the bright side, our September releases are shipping this week, at last...


From: Jedi GoodKnight Posted on: 10/3/2002 7:49 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 48.13
in reply to: 48.12
No worries, John. And all the best with your schedule.
From: Sensei Posted on: 11/29/2002 10:28 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 48.14
in reply to: 48.12
Not to be pushy, but is there an updated release date for Thorns yet? Some of us are getting fidgety. Must... have... Lotus...
From: John Nephew Posted on: 11/30/2002 3:18 pm
To: Sensei
Message: 48.15
in reply to: 48.14
We're waiting for artwork to show up. I seem to recall it was due more than a week ago, but still had not arrived as of Thanksgiving. It's laid out, just waiting for art and a final pass of proofreading; then printing should take about 6 weeks. With luck, we'll see the book in stores before the end of January. (Thats still horribly late, mind you...)
From: Sensei Posted on: 11/30/2002 5:49 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 48.16
in reply to: 48.15
I've handled "late" for a while now, that's no sweat... as long as it's not in the "forgotten" category, I'm happy. Just wanted to make sure it was still in the making!
From: Sensei Posted on: 1/21/2003 5:57 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 48.17
in reply to: 48.15
Hark! The end of January approacheth, like a stealthy tiger, in spandex!

Dare I hope against hope that the Thorns of the Lotus is soon to arrive in a store near me, as was previously rumored? Oh, pray tell, generous and honorable publisher.

I await word of its progress, here in my tiny grass hut. Mumbling softly to the crickets...

From: John Nephew Posted on: 1/21/2003 10:43 pm
To: Sensei
Message: 48.18
in reply to: 48.17
Some problems came up, sorry to say, and the book is stil not to press. I'm actually hoping it will go to press this week. We're just waiting for a couple of pieces of artwork, which we have been scrambling to get when original plans fell through. (We'd been hoping to re-use certain pieces of art but have not been able to locate the artist to negotiate reprint rights. We finally gave up and commissioned new work.)

We'll let folks know when it's finally off to press and we get an estimated completion date from the printer.