D20 System Games Occult Lore on Amazon.com
From: Mindcrime999 Posted on: 7/13/2002 2:21 am
Message: 49.1

I clicked the link with my name, just out of curiousity to see what can of worms would pop open. Hmmmmmm. I'm definitely gonna have to get a pseudonym. Too many of me in the world, when one is one too many to begin with. Maybe "Henrietta Fishbubble."


From: Abank Posted on: 7/15/2002 1:13 pm
To: Mindcrime999
Message: 49.2
in reply to: 49.1
My father successfully ordered & received Occult Lore from Amazon.com last week! He's a non-gamer, so the d20 crunchy bits made his head hurt, but he gave a glowing review nevertheless. :)
From: Jeremiah Genest Posted on: 7/15/2002 2:42 pm
To: Abank
Message: 49.3
in reply to: 49.2
Thats the spirit Adam, make your dad pay for his copies!
From: John Nephew Posted on: 7/15/2002 10:22 pm
To: Abank
Message: 49.4
in reply to: 49.2
The wonderful thing about multi-author books is when the friends and relatives of the many authors all buy copies, not just the friends and relatives of one author!

Glad to hear he got the book and likes it. I'm very pleased with how your entries came out too, Adam!

From: iam_legion Posted on: 8/8/2002 5:07 pm
To: Mindcrime999
Message: 49.5
in reply to: 49.1
Fishbubble is the ideal name for you, ya knucklehead.


I was however extremelly impressed with the amount of writing you've done in your time. Sheesh, I've known you for how long? When do you find time to write that much, you prolific sob.

I'm especially fond of The Traditional Bluegrass Songbook -- by Chris Jones; Paperback Our Price: $26.95. I have to see if I can track down a copy.