More questions, this time on Rational Magic. Starting with the Logic skill... I get the whole basic idea and mechanics for the Logic skill. My question concerns cases where two logicians engage in a debate. According to the rules, "Once successfully convinced of an argument with the Logic skill, a person will believe the claim and act upon it as fact until he's shown indisputable evidence to the contrary." So, two logicians get ready to argue. The first speaker establishes her premises, makes her conclusion, and makes her roll. Now: * If the opposing character fails his Sense Motive check, can he continue the argument? Basically, as he is now convinced that the first character's statement is in fact true, can he use Logic against it or must he use Bluff, since he would rationally believe his own viewpoint to be a lie? Assuming that he can use Logic (or that he made his Sense Motive check), the second character gets ready to speak. However, there is an audience involved here, as well. * Does debater #2 need to specifically disprove the premises and conclusions of the first speaker as part of his argument? Or can he just start from the original point and completely ignore what the first speaker said? IE, if the first speaker started with the premise "The moon is yellow" and ended by concluding that the moon is made of cheese, does the second character have to address her arguments at all, or can he start with "the moon is yellow" and take a different path leading to his conclusion, "the moon is a gold coin"? * If the audience was convinced by the first speaker, does the second speaker take any kind of penalty trying to win them over? What if the first speaker took more time, established more premises, etc – does this affect an attempt to disprove the case? Finally, assuming that debater #2 wins the audience to his side, and debater #1 comes back on the scene: Does she need to come up with a new set of premises and conclusions to win the audience back, or can she simply restate her original argument and roll again? If she comes up with a second argument, does she still suffer the retry penalty? A more trivial question on Logic – does the synergy bonus for Diplomacy checks stack with the bonuses a character receives from Bluff and Sense Motive? On to the Skeptic: The Logic skill requires a minimum of three rounds to use. In the opening story Gizzeldorphus appears to be using Logic – he's taking a little time, setting forth premises, and coming to a conclusion. He's also clearly using Refute. But Refute only takes one round to use. So my question is, what is a character doing when he uses Refute? Is it supposed to involve a logical discourse – just a considerably shortened one? Or is it more mental in nature – the skeptic just looks at the target and thinks "I don't believe in you"? The power is said to only affect creatures within the range of the skeptic's voice, but it does not specifically say whether the skeptic needs to speak or move to use the ability. Does he? Can he refute magical ropes that bind him, or a spell of silence that keeps him from speaking? -Keith
Edited 7/19/2002 4:53:25 PM ET by KWBAKER