Ars Magica [INTRO] Ed C.
From: Ed9C Posted on: 7/22/2002 9:49 am
Message: 54.1
I suppose I will bite the bullet and post this.

I have been a gamer for 22 years, started on D&D, graduated to D&D and Gammaworld. Later I spent time with Rolemaster, DC Heroes, Toon, GURPS, and several others. I was introduced to Atlas Games while playing Ars Magica version 2, and bumped into South of the Sun. I disliked Ars 3 and have come to enjoy Ars 4.

Ed Campbell

SIMON says, "I challenge you to Certamen, in Rego!" ;)

From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 7/26/2002 5:01 pm
To: Ed9C
Message: 54.2
in reply to: 54.1
Welcome aboard, Ed!