Unknown Armies New (fan)boy on the block
From: GB Steve Posted on: 7/23/2002 6:06 am
Message: 55.1
I've had UA for quite a while. I ran a game for a few friends (it was called the Donner Diner - a mad-slasher horror piece in a deserted snowbound truck-stop)

I got UA2 at Convulsion this weekend. Just as I thought, "I know", I'll get John Tynes, (who was also there) to sign it", he disappeared. Even more strangely, he was last seen heading towards a pub called "The Lord Proctector of the Great Seal" - and I'm guessing that's not a large aquatic mammal.

I think John knows more than he's letting on.

Ludomancy - the type of mage is devoted to creating roleplaying games. This involves writing scenarios that use real people as characters. If the game is played in the correct circumstances then the real person experiences some of what their character representation goes through.

To get the power, the mage travels the world in search of new players at conventions. So next time you see Robin Laws, John Tynes, Phil Masters running a game at a convention, take care what you do with your character.
