Feng Shui Feng Shui in Color?
From: John C Fiala Posted on: 7/25/2002 2:52 pm
Message: 57.1


Is there a chance, when the current supply of Feng Shui hardbacks are gone, that you would reprint them in color?  I love the art in my (slowly being used up) softcover color Daedalus edition, and I love the hardcover of my Atlas edition... and dream sometimes of them being merged into an ultimate edition!


Of Course I Don't Look Busy -- I Did It Right the First Time
From: John Nephew Posted on: 7/25/2002 7:13 pm
To: John C Fiala
Message: 57.2
in reply to: 57.1
Full color is, sadly, unlikely.

I've looked into the pricing of books with full color interior throughout. It looks to me that for a 128 pp book, printing 4/2 (four color one side/two color the other...you could do this with clever design and people wouldn't notice it was not all four-color-process throughout) throughout the interior, we'd have to charge $35-$50 (depending on quantity). That's for 128 pp. Feng Shui is 256 pages right now. That wouldn't quite double the cost, but would probably boost it to $60+.

The real bite is on the viability of reprints, which involve smaller quantities. You have to set pricing so that reprints are economical. (That probably would mean $70+.)

If it looked like we'd be selling a lot more copies than currently is the case, volume would help the pricing immensely. Maybe going full color would help draw those volumes...but, mmm, I'm a bit risk averse, since trusting that such would occur helped kill Daedalus in the first place.

From: FCTBox3 Posted on: 8/15/2002 10:08 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 57.3
in reply to: 57.2
Heh. Get a PDF together of the Feng Shui text. Render all the pictures in full color. Remove all the text. Give the PDF to wossname who's selling Dragon and the Bear and Fallen Angel. Tell people to whip out their color printers, scissors, and gluesticks, and have them make their own hardcover full color edition..

Crazy enough, it just might work!
