Other Atlas RPGs OtE OGL/ Generic OtE
From: abesapiens Posted on: 7/29/2002 12:20 am
Message: 64.1
To pick up on a thread over a year old from the Gaming Outpost bb:

" unodiablo (uno diablo) 02/27/01 10:40 AM Poster's Profile Email

I got this back from John this morning!:

Date: Tue, Feb 27th 2001 10:16:38 From: John Nephew
Subject: Re: Over The Edge Open Gaming?

I tried posting on GO, but it was having some kind of problem.

The good Italian folks jumped the gun a bit, but I am working on releasing the mechanics of OTE as "WaRP" under the OGL. It's a "something in my free time" kind of thing. Since I haven't had much free time lately, I haven't finished it up yet, and I can't really define when I will. But yes, Wanton Role-Playing will be OGL'd.

John Nephew
President, Atlas Games www.atlas-games.com "

...So my questions:

1. Does Atlas Games still plan on doing WaRP?

2. Is Atlas Games interested in publishing other-genre stuff using the OtE system, whether or not the system is OGL'd?

Also if Atlas does produce a generic version of the OtE system, I'd like to suggest an alternate name - "Note" (Not OtE).


John Powell

From: John Nephew Posted on: 7/29/2002 10:41 am
To: abesapiens
Message: 64.2
in reply to: 64.1
> 1. Does Atlas Games still plan on doing WaRP?


> 2. Is Atlas Games interested in publishing other-genre stuff
> using the OtE system, whether or not the system is OGL'd?

Not specifically, no. Well, there is an OTE/D20 Coriolis book that will kind of be "other-genre," since it's in the world of OTE but something like 10,000 years ago. But we're not really planning to do anything like spin-off games in different genres.

Certainly, we'll be pleased to see other people use the open-source WaRP system to any end they like, in that regard.

Also, over the weekend I was looking over my files of incomplete OTE writing projects, and thinking it might be cool to complete some articles and release them as PDFs on RPGNow. What do folks think of that idea?

From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 7/29/2002 11:16 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 64.3
in reply to: 64.2
Somehow, I find it hard to believe that anyone would have a problem with that...Indeed, I think the basic feeling in the gaming community would be something along the lines of 'GREAT JUMPIN' HURDY GURDY! NEW Over the Edge MATERIAL FROM ATLAS! YEE-HAW!'

Of course, I could be wrong.


From: abesapiens Posted on: 7/29/2002 2:11 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 64.4
in reply to: 64.2
That's good news about WaRP. Any idea when it will be ready? I'd be willing to help if it would speed the process.

I'm also all for seeing some of your OTE stuff in PDFs.

Thanks again!

John Powell

From: John C Fiala Posted on: 7/30/2002 1:10 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 64.5
in reply to: 64.2

Also, over the weekend I was looking over my files of incomplete OTE writing projects, and thinking it might be cool to complete some articles and release them as PDFs on RPGNow. What do folks think of that idea?

I'd love to see more OTE!


Of Course I Don't Look Busy -- I Did It Right the First Time
From: jfiz Posted on: 8/16/2002 11:26 am
To: abesapiens
Message: 64.6
in reply to: 64.1
OTE articles in PDF on rpgnow? You *must* be getting orders from tomorrow. That, or you finally tuned into my radio-laser-sattellite broadcast from some time ago.

Er, disregard that tripe above. Instead read this:

Such an equivocally brilliant idea, reaking of sheer genius, could have only come from one so powerful and wise as you. Just the mere thought of OTE artices in PDF form on rpgnow makes me quiver with glee. Why, even now, I'm having a hard time imagining a world without such wonderful things.

Please, please, for gosh-sakes please do save us from wallowing in the muck and mire of of sufferance. Raise us up out of the dredge with your wonderous OTE articles in PDF format on RPGNow! I am Beggggginnnngggg I tell you!

Heh, seriously, *great* idea. If you feel you need more grovelling and shouts of support and so forth, why not drop by the Yahoo group "Over The Edge Role Playing Game" - ShelliB's and my place. We have a pretty active member roster, and I'm sure folks there were stomp their jackboots right in line with my supportive gestures above.

Regardless of this new idea, though, you are welcome and invited to visit the group - we'd love to have the chance to correspond now and again with such a wondrous illuminary such as yourself, John.



From: John Nephew Posted on: 8/16/2002 11:41 am
To: jfiz
Message: 64.7
in reply to: 64.6
I think I may have signed up for that group -- I've at least browsed it in the past.

I have been working on a PDF of "The Myth of Self" (which has been out of print for a few years). I may be able to get it up on RPGNow this weekend, as a start. (It was laid out in ancient software, and I was unable to get a good postscript dump from the file for distilling, and instead had to print to a PDF print driver, which results in some font weirdness. And it only did low-res placeholders of EPS graphics, which meant that I had to run those through another program to get decent resolution maps and the like, and then edit them into the file in Acrobat. Long story. Net result is that it's not likely to be as sharp a file as the Ars Magica books we now have up, but pretty good.)

From: Kirgillian Posted on: 11/1/2003 9:08 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 64.8
in reply to: 64.2
What is the status of this?
I've never heard of WaRP, but I would love to see more OTE stuff.
I also think the idea of an OTE OGL is great!
From: John Nephew Posted on: 11/3/2003 11:05 am
To: Kirgillian
Message: 64.9
in reply to: 64.8
Basically, it has slipped way low on my priority list. Doing a WaRP SRD takes a fair lot of time and care. A lot has already been done (and thanks are to Jeremy Strandberg, who did a bunch of it), but I have to go through things with a fine toothed comb myself before anything can be formally released under the OGL. And, well, I just have too much else to do. (Like, moving to a new office and warehouse this month, among many other things.) To be honest, there's not really any urgency about the project, so it's likely to get done just out of the blue when I have some rainy weekend or something when I get the urge to do it.
From: Kirgillian Posted on: 11/3/2003 12:49 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 64.10
in reply to: 64.9
Thanks for the update!
I understand how it goes. *Sigh*
Good luck with the move!

*Goes off to wait for a rainy weekend*

From: Kirgillian Posted on: Jul-9 4:39 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 64.11
in reply to: 64.9

*Continues to wait, patiently*


From: John Nephew Posted on: Jul-11 11:43 am
To: Kirgillian
Message: 64.12
in reply to: 64.11

Well, it's slipped off my to-do list.

At this point I'm not persuaded that OGLing the WaRP system would actually do much for our bottom line, and I have way too much work to do as it stands. So maybe someday...but don't hold your break.

-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games