Unknown Armies Cool links?
From: Evilgaz Posted on: 7/31/2002 12:45 pm
Message: 66.1
Hi Guys

The link to Unknownarmies.com now leads somewhere else (and has done for some time) as I think the original site may be defunct. Is there any chance of updating your links page for UA and removing any old links plus posting new ones?



From: SamAmok Posted on: 7/31/2002 2:23 pm
To: Evilgaz
Message: 66.2
in reply to: 66.1
Hush Hush

Something wicked this way comes...

From: AlexAtAtlas Posted on: 7/31/2002 4:33 pm
To: Evilgaz
Message: 66.3
in reply to: 66.1
Definitely - a brand new headquarters for Unknown Armies is coming from John Tynes, though I don't believe I'm at liberty to say the web address yet...

From: Evilgaz Posted on: 8/1/2002 7:20 am
To: AlexAtAtlas
Message: 66.4
in reply to: 66.3
>>Definitely - a brand new headquarters for Unknown Armies is coming from John Tynes, though I don't believe I'm at liberty to say the web address yet... <<

Cool and the gang. Although you're not going to get very far down your Avatar : Flying Woman path with attitudes like that... free your bonds and cast aside restrictions... give us the web address (it's for you own good). Or maybe not.



From: SamAmok Posted on: 8/1/2002 7:39 pm
To: Evilgaz
Message: 66.5
in reply to: 66.4
Word in the street says you need to milk a camel spider to get it...

However, if you dont feel like waiting (and I cant blame anyone for doing so) there is a certain official mailing list that might be most helpful...
