Ars Magica The Covenant Project
From: Jeremiah Genest Posted on: 8/6/2002 11:20 am
Message: 68.1
Okay, I'm curious. Who is participating?

I'm currently working (and hoping to finish 60 seasons) on a 6 magi strong Pillar of Hiram covenant.


From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 8/25/2002 12:45 am
To: Jeremiah Genest
Message: 68.2
in reply to: 68.1
Can't say I have the patience, although I am in the process of making up a number of covenants and mages for my saga using the rules in HP4 and 5 as short cuts. I tried using the regular rules to age an 80 year old NPC of mine, but it quickly got boring, after only about 30 seasons.

Good luck tho'.


From: GCEvans666 Posted on: 9/6/2002 5:43 pm
To: Jeremiah Genest
Message: 68.3
in reply to: 68.1
Is there any chance we could see this after it's completed? I've considered entering a covenant but I'm not sure just what form it should take. In particular, how do you decide on such matters as vis sources, aura strength, frequency of adventures (and the benefits or costs thereof) and mundane relations. An example would clarify matters considerably, assuming David approves of your submission.

Have fun,

From: Jeremiah Genest Posted on: 9/6/2002 8:14 pm
To: GCEvans666
Message: 68.4
in reply to: 68.3
Well, assuming I'm done in the next week I'd be happy to send it along.

As far as those assumptions, I was under the impression that that was exactly one of the things David was looking for results on.


From: David Chart Posted on: 9/9/2002 1:58 pm
To: Jeremiah Genest
Message: 68.5
in reply to: 68.4
Jeremiah's right. One of the things I'm interested in is the impact of different assumptions on the growth of the covenant.

David Chart
Ars Magica Line Editor

From: GCEvans666 Posted on: 9/9/2002 7:34 pm
To: David Chart
Message: 68.6
in reply to: 68.5
The assumption I made from the Guidelines was that the magi started out with an aura, some vis sources, and enough resources to erect a building and equip their labs and nothing else. No allies, no library, magical or mundane, no source of income other than what they can scrape up after creation.

Have fun,

From: 1TinSoldier Posted on: 9/24/2002 1:34 am
To: GCEvans666
Message: 68.7
in reply to: 68.6
> The assumption I made from the Guidelines was that the magi started
> out with an aura, some vis sources, and enough resources to erect a
> building and equip their labs and nothing else. No allies, no library,
> magical or mundane, no source of income other than what they can scrape
> up after creation.

This sounde a lot like the coven we started. We were going to submit our histories but when you start with nothing a lot of role playing goes into setting things up but when I saw the guidelines on the Ars Magica Site I saw that we couldnt remember everything that got us from there to here in the 80 years that our coven has been played. I mean who has exactly 6 or 12 coven members. If you have more or less we dont want to see them. Heck we started with 12 but were down to 4 before the first tribunal was attended then swelled back up to 8. I really think that if david wants a true representation of what is going on in the games he should take what logs people will give him. His form of fitting the coven to his strict guidelines can be nothing more than paper and pen SG character manipulation. It cant bear any relationship to what realy goes on in a story because only the truely annal SG will do season by season for 200 years. And I mean that in a nice way...I am one such annal SG. I have made characters like he sugessts and they never turn out as a character does because a character develops and adopts to the situation as time goes by. Sorry for my rant but I have been tryn to get this mess untangled to send in now all summer.

From: Jeremiah Genest Posted on: 9/24/2002 11:04 am
To: David Chart
Message: 68.8
in reply to: 68.5
David, got a question:

The guidelines say:
When describing the covenant library, please organise books by subject (the Art or Knowledge to which they apply) and type. Describe summae in the form Sa12/12, where a serves as a title for the book, the first number is the level and the second the quality. Libri quaestionum are LQa3/12, target/quality. Tractatus are Ta6(spell), where the number is the quality. The spell, obviously, only applies to Arts tractatus. For commentaries, add a C after the code for the book on which it is a commentary. Thus, SaC12 is a commentary on Summa a in this subject, with a quality of 12. If a book has a non-zero physical quality, indicate this by +X or –X after the intrinsic quality, where X is the physical quality. List authorities as Auth.

So, do you want a lit of books that look like this



Or do you want a list of books that look like this

S 'The Blossoming of Life' 9/14
S 'The Rise of the Wave' 10/7

Or do you want it some other format?


From: David Chart Posted on: 9/24/2002 5:06 pm
To: Jeremiah Genest
Message: 68.9
in reply to: 68.8
Either format is fine. If you have come up with titles, that's all good, but if you haven't, or don't want to, then distinguishing books purely by letter is perfectly fine.

David Chart
Ars Magica Line Editor