Ars Magica ArM PDFs for FREE
From: John Nephew Posted on: 8/31/2002 11:43 am
Message: 78.1
And today, we have a different announcement -- this time, a PDF for Ars Magica that's a FREE download from our website.

"Secrets in Sand" is a collection of free material to supplement Blood and Sand: The Levant Tribunal, which is at the printer and should begin to appear in stores in late September. There's a link to it on the front page of right now, so check it out!

From: Araquael Posted on: 8/31/2002 5:42 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 78.2
in reply to: 78.1
This is a neat little thing.

I am now really looking forward to the supplement.


From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 9/1/2002 6:37 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 78.3
in reply to: 78.1
Any chance of a looksee at the partly aborted Sanctuary of Ice in pdf?


From: John Nephew Posted on: 9/1/2002 10:59 pm
To: Al3xWhite
Message: 78.4
in reply to: 78.3
I'm not actually in a position to know. In the case of this PDF, it kind of came out of the blue from Niall and David, and we were happy to put it online. I'm sure we'd do the same in the future with similar material, if we have the chance. (Of course, there are also other venues for "outtakes" and bonus material -- I see there's some good Mysteries-type material in this week's Pyramid Online, for example...)