Feng Shui Gorilla Warfare?
From: BuroBoy Posted on: 9/4/2002 9:07 pm
Message: 80.1
I heard somewhere that Gorilla Warfare, AKA the Jammer's sourcebook, is supposed to be coming out soon. If so...

- Does anyone have any details on release? If not, does anyone at the Atlas think tank want to give away tidbits? Pretty please:D?
- If you don't have any info, what sort of stuff would you LIKE to see in this hypothetical sourcebook? I cast a vote for non-arcanowave gadgets and the possibility of a cyber-ape char. template myself.

Because nothing says "I love you" like a monkey with a rail gun.

From: Sensei Posted on: 9/5/2002 5:49 am
To: BuroBoy
Message: 80.2
in reply to: 80.1
Ya see, here's the thing... we had it all set to go, me an' the boys, and so we sent it over to the Kwickee Printerz here in the Netherworld to run off some copies.

Unfortuitously, as the master copy was bein' loaded into the color copier, the place was hit by mortar fire from some Bobos. Plate glass, loose leaf binders, and green ink cartridges went flyin'. When we climbed outa' the Kwickee wreckage, we were met by a gaggle of salivating Abominations armed with multiphase inducers and paper shredders. Before we could grab the master copy and make our escape, the bastards had mangled half the Gorilla Warfare manual into confetti.

So we had to set about re-writin' the thing, which as you know ain't the easiest thing to do when yer cybernetic orangutan fingers are so much bigger than the average keyboard keys, eh?

But as they say, patience is a virtue. [Or so I've heard. My personal philosophy is that blind screaming violent carnage gets me what I want, too.]

From: Queex Posted on: 9/5/2002 10:44 am
To: BuroBoy
Message: 80.3
in reply to: 80.1
'Because nothing says "I love you" like a monkey with a rail gun.'

If that isn't your sig, it should be. And can I quote that?

From: John Nephew Posted on: 9/5/2002 11:21 am
To: BuroBoy
Message: 80.4
in reply to: 80.1
Unfortunately, we have no details that we can share at the present time. With luck that will change soon. :)
From: BuroBoy Posted on: 9/5/2002 5:36 pm
To: Sensei
Message: 80.5
in reply to: 80.2
ROTFLMEAO!!!! That was hilarious! Thanks, sensai!

Because nothing says "I love you" like a monkey with a rail gun.

From: BuroBoy Posted on: 9/5/2002 5:39 pm
To: Queex
Message: 80.6
in reply to: 80.3
"If that isn't your sig, it should be. And can I quote that?"

It's my sig now. And feel free to quote away!

"Because nothing says "I love you" like a monkey with a rail-gun"