Ars Magica PDF support
From: haakonolav Posted on: 9/11/2002 8:14 am
Message: 85.1
What I would like to see from Atlas is web-support, and PDF support for Ars Magica before the 5th ed comes out. Take a site like Godlike's that's what I call impressive web support. It's not necessary to go as far as they have but somewhat farther in that direction I would like to see. Ok some examples of what I would like to see: Spell guidelines: If you want the spontaneous magic to be truly spontaneous, then a copy per player or at least a couple of copies in the group would be truly useful, it shouldn't be longer than a couple of pages though. I would like to see these as soon as possible, then you can upgrade to 5th when (if) it's released. Quick start rules: If you want the 5th ed to be simpler and more playable, at least the non magic rules could be summarized in a "quick start set" so that new palyers could come prepared. Spell database: something like "The Library of Evremere", but in a more organized fashion. You could collect all the spells from 4th ed, the Grimoire, and the spells from other source books (ok perhaps that's a bit too much to hope for. ;) But at least a fan based spell collection would be nice. It should have a peer rewiew so one could be sure that the spells were following the guidelines. This could be done by the fans themselves, let's say 5 different fans asserting that this spell falls under the guidelines and it's added to the database. A grog/companion database would be cool. These are just a few things I would like to see from you. What's there already is good but not enough. When GM'ed my FS "once upon a time in Hong Kong" adventure at ARCON, the combat briefings came in handy, something like that for Ars now...
With respect and admiration: Haakon Olav Thunestvedt