Feng Shui Blood of the Valiant Reprint
From: urbwar Posted on: 10/12/2002 1:41 pm
Message: 98.1
When Blood of the Valiant gets reprinted, is it going to include the Green/Orange monks from Back for Seconds?
From: John Nephew Posted on: 10/13/2002 7:34 pm
To: urbwar
Message: 98.2
in reply to: 98.1
Good question, and the answer has not been determined. My knee-jerk answer is "no," because we don't own the rights to Back for Seconds, and so including material from it would require some kind of negotiations and special arrangements for permission. But I suppose it might happen.
From: urbwar Posted on: 10/13/2002 10:29 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 98.3
in reply to: 98.2
Does Daedalus still own it, or did the authors regain their work? If the Authors did, you might want to get in touch with Hal Mangold, and see if you could include them in, to round out the colored monks of the hand. Or maybe Chris Pramas would be willing to write up all new versions of them for inclusion?
From: Terjay Posted on: 10/15/2002 1:29 pm
To: urbwar
Message: 98.4
in reply to: 98.3
Is there going to be anything new in the reprint or should I buy the old version?
From: urbwar Posted on: 10/15/2002 2:37 pm
To: Terjay
Message: 98.5
in reply to: 98.4
that's what I was inquiring about myself :)
From: John Nephew Posted on: 10/15/2002 11:23 pm
To: Terjay
Message: 98.6
in reply to: 98.4
If you can get the old version at a reasonable price (it often goes for 2X cover price, or more), grab it!
From: Jedi GoodKnight Posted on: 10/16/2002 1:20 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 98.7
in reply to: 98.2
Just a quick pair of questions, John: As I understand it, the templates that were added to the Atlas edition of Feng Shui (Journalist, Magic Cop, Medic, Private Investigator, Thief, etc.) were originally in Back For Seconds. Is that right? If so, I imagine there was an arrangement for their inclusion when the Atlas edition was being organised?
From: John Nephew Posted on: 10/16/2002 1:42 am
To: Jedi GoodKnight
Message: 98.8
in reply to: 98.7
Yeah, but I don't remember the details (Jeff was handling them). Those may have been things that Robin wrote, for example, covered by his arrangement with Daedalus in the whole rights-reversion thing.
From: Jedi GoodKnight Posted on: 10/16/2002 2:10 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 98.9
in reply to: 98.8
Aha, I see what you mean. Thanks!
From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 10/16/2002 2:01 pm
To: Jedi GoodKnight
Message: 98.10
in reply to: 98.9
If I remember correctly, they just plain missed the six originally - they were meant to be in the Daedalus books.

Oh, and may I just say that Back to Seconds is _fabulous_. The Bobo Splitter and Homo Omega alone are worth the price of admission...those two combined gave me more flavor for 2056 than just about anything else I've read.

From: Terjay Posted on: 10/19/2002 12:11 am
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 98.11
in reply to: 98.10
Actually I can buy that book for a normal price... Lucky me.