Official Announcements Congratulations to Keith Baker
From: John Nephew Posted on: 10/15/2002 11:30 pm
Message: 99.1
All of us at Atlas want to extend hearty congratulations to Keith Baker, who is one of the three finalists in Wizard's of the Coast's big setting search:

Keith has done some amazing work for Atlas in recent years. In the D20 department, he wrote The Ebon Mirror, and made major contributions to Touched by the Gods, Occult Lore and En Route. (Those who saw the En Route writers' guidelines will remember Keith's Hellcow...a terror that promises to make its return in En Route II: By Land or By Sea!) Going back farther, Keith contributed to the Over the Edge books At Your Service and Forgotten Lives; and still further back in the mists of time, you can even find his face on an On the Edge card! (Today's trivia question: Which one?)

Out of almost 11,000 submissions in the contest...I can easily believe that something by Keith would wind up selected one of the three best.

Congratulations, Keith!