Unknown Armies New School Ideas
From: Kirlian Posted on: 10/17/2002 2:13 am
Message: 101.1
I've got two ideas for new schools of magick. One is Linguamancy, a school based on linguistics. The Paradox is that while words are in theory used to communicate and make things clearer, Linguamantic spells are primarily geared toward obfuscation and deception. A typical minor spell would be something that lets you say something and have someone else hear something else. ("Well, the tape clearly shows that he said "I'd like to make a deposit", not "Give me all your money or I'll put a bullet in your head and fuck the brainhole.")

The second (and I have no clue what to call it) is a form of magick based on Celebrity obsession. I'm still working on the Paradox. I've got it in my head, but I can't quite seem to articulate it.

Anyway, two questions. 1) Do these seem feasible and in-style for UA? And 2) Does anyone have any suggestions?

From: Caudex Posted on: 11/7/2002 11:21 am
To: Kirlian
Message: 101.2
in reply to: 101.1
Have you read Post-Modern Magick?

I think it pretty much deals with what you're after.