D20 System Games Nyambe d20 - N'anga spellcaster
From: tetsuye00 Posted on: 10/23/2002 12:36 pm
Message: 106.1
Hi this is a question for the Atlas Games people or anyone else who has run into this problem.

Heres the question/problem:

I am making a high-level (17th level) character for use in one of my games. I want to have a Mask-maker prestige class character, but am unsure about how to deal with his caster level.

I want to start out with a N'anga how worships an elemental orisha because of some of the features. However this type of N'anga casts druid spells and the Mask-maker casts cleric spells. How do I reconsile the caster level? Is it:
N'anga lvl + Mask-maker lvl = caster lvl ?
Or is it something else? This is very important because certain caster levels and spells are needed to make the magical masks themselves. It just doesn't make sense that a mask maker wouldn't be able to make certain mask without being epic or close to epic.

Any thoughts or insights please let me know.



From: dalefriesen Posted on: 10/24/2002 1:23 pm
To: tetsuye00
Message: 106.2
in reply to: 106.1
It looks to me that mask makers have their own spell levels, which means that they wouldn't stack. I didn't see any masks that had caster levels themselves as prerequisites, though, unless your DM has imposed them as house rules (in which case I recommend that you appeal to him for an exception if there's something you really want).

If it's just that your n'anga level is insufficient to grant you the spells that are prerequisites, though, then you're in trouble.



From: tetsuye00 Posted on: 10/24/2002 1:47 pm
To: dalefriesen
Message: 106.3
in reply to: 106.2
Ok, maybe I'm just confused. It lists a caster lvl for each magic itme in Nyambe before the prereq's. Is this a prereq itself, or is this simply the caster lvl inherent in the item? I don't make spellcasters very often and one's that make items even less.

I appreciate any help, especially since, in this case, I'm the DM.

I'm trying to get a little experience under my belt and love any help I can get with rules clarification.

Thanks Again,


From: dalefriesen Posted on: 10/24/2002 2:16 pm
To: tetsuye00
Message: 106.4
in reply to: 106.3
It depends on how you interpret p. 178 of the DMG. But you'll note that the caster level is listed separately from the prerequisites. From the DMG:

Caster Level: The power of the item (just as a spell's caster level measures its power). The caster level determine's the item's saving throw bonus, as well as range or other level-dependent aspects of the powers of the item (if variable). It also determines the level that must be contended with should the item come under the effect of a dispel magic spell or similar situation.

Some people take this to mean that you only have to look at prerequisites, not at the caster level, when determining who can create items. Monte Cook says this, for instance. Those who disagree base their arguments on the following paragraph:

For potions, scrolls, and wands, the creator can set the caster level of the item at any number high enough to cast the stored spell and not higher than her own caster level . . . For other magic items, the caster level is determined by the item itself. In this case, the creator's caster level must be as high as the item's caster level (and prerequisites may effectively put a higher minimum on the creator's level).

This paragraph seems at odds with the previous position, particularly the bit about the creator's caster level having to be as high as the item's. But it gets more complex. In the next paragraph we read:

Prerequisites: The requirements that must be met in order for a character to create the item. These include feats, spells, and miscellaneous requirements SUCH AS LEVEL, alignment, and race or kind. [emphasis mine]

So now it seems to be saying that if a certain caster level is required it will be listed under the prerequisites section. What this means is that people need to make house rules on this one. It sounds like you'd like people to be able to make items based on the prerequisites and not their caster level, so I say go right ahead. :)

