Ars Magica Up and Coming?
From: marklawford Posted on: 11/11/2002 4:05 am
Message: 113.1
I was just wondering what kind of resources were on the horizon for Ars Magica.

I know the atlas guys can't tell us everything all up front for contractual reasons, but it would be good to hear about some ideas that are floating around.

So, any rumblings about what we might be seeing in the next year or so?


From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 11/11/2002 4:24 am
To: marklawford
Message: 113.2
in reply to: 113.1
The seasonal Hermes Portal e-zine has updates from David Chart, the developer. Subscribe and find out all the goodness of HP!

HP#6 tells us that Fire and Ice, the Iceland sourcebook is next on the horizon, followed by Black Monks of Glastonbury and Living Legends (in no particular order) and finally Sanctuary of Ice, the Greater Alps Tribunal book sometime in the future.


From: marklawford Posted on: 11/11/2002 4:31 am
To: Al3xWhite
Message: 113.3
in reply to: 113.2
Great, lots of news then.

I like the idea of "Fire and Ice", but what are "Black Monks" and "Living Legends"?

From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 11/11/2002 5:59 am
To: marklawford
Message: 113.4
in reply to: 113.3
Black Monks of Glastonbury is an adventure by David Chart which has dual stats for D20 and ArM for the Coriolis line.

Living Legends is a book that is entirely fan-written. There was an open call for submissions a few months back. It is a compilation of European folk legends and myths contemporary with 1220 Europe.


From: Njordi Posted on: 12/5/2002 2:17 pm
To: Al3xWhite
Message: 113.5
in reply to: 113.4 entirely fan-written...It is a compilation of European folk legends and myths contemporary with 1220 Europe.

WOW!!! How utterly, tremendusly, ridicolusly cool, useful and interesting!!!!
Talk about taking responsebility for the consept of storytelling. And, depending on how it is written, potensially useful outside of ArsM, outside gaming also.
This book, I would by unseen. 35$ without blinking.
Can we suspect more of this kind of stuff from Atlas in the future? I imagine it would easily be a marked for this outside the gaming scene.
I mean ....WOW!!!

Edited 12/5/2002 2:19:32 PM ET by NJORDI
From: David Chart Posted on: 12/6/2002 2:42 pm
To: Njordi
Message: 113.6
in reply to: 113.5
Glad you like the concept, especially as that's the bit of the book I came up with ;-). I hope you like the finished book, as well. I'm certainly pleased with the way it's turned out.

David Chart
Ars Magica Line Editor

From: Njordi Posted on: 12/6/2002 7:31 pm
To: David Chart
Message: 113.7
in reply to: 113.6
I'll let you know what I think of the finished product, certanly within hours of getting hold of it...