Official Announcements [FEB 03] Land of Fire and Ice (ArM)
From: John Nephew Posted on: 11/11/2002 11:59 am
Message: 114.1
Land of Fire and Ice
The Ars Magica Sourcebook of Mythic Iceland
by Mark Shirley and David Woods

Visit a land of wonders... a place where glaciers stretch to the horizon, where fissures pour forth rivers of molten rock, where giants still tread and ancient spirits guard forgotten secrets. Iceland sits on the edge of the frozen sea, its people clinging to the coastal lowlands while the interior is still the realm of the giants, trolls, spirits and fantastic beasts. On the civilized mainland creatures of legend may rarely show themselves, but in Iceland they rarely hide. Within Europe the Order of Hermes holds absolute magical dominion, but Icelandic magicians go about their business unaware of the Order of Hermes, its magi and their pretensions. These Norse wizards concern themselves with the politics of spirits, warding against troll raids and wresting a good growing season from Iceland's capricious weather.

Land of Fire and Ice will give your troupe the opportunity to explore this wondrous land ruled by the law, rather than by a king. Magicians live in harmony with their mundane neighbors, but feuds bubble under the veneer of civilization.

Included in Land of Fire and Ice are:

• A detailed description of Iceland's mundane and mystical landscape, culture and law

• Two major saga outlines and many story seeds

• Two magical traditions unique to Iceland, the galdramen and the trollsons

Description: 128 pages, hardcover
Stock Number: AG0270
ISBN: 1-58978-032-9
Suggested Retail Price: $29.95 (US)

Available in February 2003