Ars Magica Pregnancy via Magic
From: SirParn Posted on: 11/11/2002 11:59 am
Message: 115.1
Hiya All !!:)

I have a quick question regarding using magic to make a woman pregnant, if a mage uses magic to make a woman pregnant wouldn't it still show as his child, no different than if he conceived the child naturally? I would like to hear you thoughts regarding this issue please.

Also just a quick note regarding magic and pregnancy, in our group we have based it like the IVF clinics that help infertile couples have children. In that the use of magic to aid in making a child, or helping a mother conceive, has a high percentage chance of a multipliable birth rate.

Many Thanks

Sir Parn of House Tytalus, Prince and Knight of the Great White Oak, Dragon Knight of the Order of Hermes!!:)

Edited 11/11/2002 12:23:17 PM ET by SIRPARN
From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 11/11/2002 10:23 pm
To: SirParn
Message: 115.2
in reply to: 115.1
IIRC, Hermetic magica cannot create life. Any spell that created a foetus inside a woman would result in a soulless changeling creature with any deformities and magical afflictions the SG cared to choose.


From: APNorman Posted on: 12/11/2002 2:23 pm
To: SirParn
Message: 115.3
in reply to: 115.1
Use something like 'The Immaculate Beast' - the Ideal Adult Form of a human is going to be pretty fertile, right? Then all you have to do is make a lot of love during the appropriate week of the menstrual cycle - simple InCo magic to determine the right time.


From: Njordi Posted on: 12/12/2002 4:55 am
To: APNorman
Message: 115.4
in reply to: 115.3
I seem to recall there being a fertility spell in the net grimoire, not that it's a very reliable source for conformative spells. But with Creo Corpus, I would think it should be possible to make a spell to boost fertility at least. I think that going the way of the Imaculate Beast, is off track. That a humans strongest feature is her fertility, is a topic for discussion, and a potensial quagmire.
CrCo is a safer bet, but the spell would probably be pretty high level, especially if you have to boost the duration beyond sun. Maybe it should be a ritual?
From: APNorman Posted on: 12/13/2002 4:00 am
To: Njordi
Message: 115.5
in reply to: 115.4
Oh, I wasn't saying that it was the _best_ way to go. Just a 'proof of concept'. Infertility is a flaw, and The Immaculate Beast gives you a flawless speciman. Obviously there are better ways, but this demonstrates that it doesn't violate any limits.


From: Njordi Posted on: 12/13/2002 6:21 am
To: APNorman
Message: 115.6
in reply to: 115.5
So if fertility isn't a man's strongest feature, i.e. the trait the spell gives a +3 bonus to, the spell would just make a person not be infertile. If that was the problem.
From: APNorman Posted on: 12/13/2002 6:01 pm
To: Njordi
Message: 115.7
in reply to: 115.6
Yup. And Sir Parn specified 'infertile' couples.


From: SirParn Posted on: 12/18/2002 9:11 am
To: APNorman
Message: 115.8
in reply to: 115.7
Hmmmm.. yeah i did state infertile couples... but the question that has really been on my mind of late is: When a Hermetic Magus, take a longevity potion it renders them infertile, that is the same for male & female magus.

I am guessing that in the case of a mage being rendered infertile by the Longevity potion, that there is a strong possibility that Hermetic magic, may not be able to undo this side effect. If it was possible by Hermetic means I would guess it would render the longevity potion nulinvoid, otherwise it wouldn’t be a big problem. Unless the magus had made a break through discovery while creating the Longevity Potion, and was able to create Longevity potions without that side effect.

What i was trying to get at is if that is the case & Hermetic magus were infertile due to this process, and that if Hermetic magic was unable to reverse this effect, what would you think of the Faerie power Control Fertility being used to undo this side effect. Do you think this may be a possible was around this side effect, seeing how the Fae aren't restricted to the boundaries that Hermetic magic is?

From: APNorman Posted on: 12/20/2002 5:46 pm
To: SirParn
Message: 115.9
in reply to: 115.8
Hmmmm. . .

Y'know, in WGRE, some magus claims that he's got the formula for modifying longevity potions to allow magi a single night of normal fertility each year.


From: Ed9C Posted on: 12/26/2002 8:12 pm
To: SirParn
Message: 115.10
in reply to: 115.8
One game I was in tackled that very question, and the storyguide decided that the Faerie power Control Fertility, if used to make a magus fertile, nullifies the longevity potion. (Much to the chagrin of my magus).
