Card and Board Games On The Edge
From: patrikkruse Posted on: 11/16/2002 9:32 am
Message: 118.1
I have some thoughts about the cranking rule in On The Edge.

Let's consider two cards, Mrs. Brinker(C52) and Annie the Rib(D10). Mrs. Brinker can crank to save any cut-up and Annie can crank to avoid comabt, but none of them can crank "any time".

Can Annie only avoid combat in my own turn? This is rarely useful, isn't it? And can Mrs. Brinker not save a cut-up in my own conspiracy that is being attacked by an other player?


From: John Nephew Posted on: 11/16/2002 10:48 am
To: patrikkruse
Message: 118.2
in reply to: 118.1
Hmm. Errata?

Boy, it's been a long time since I've answered these questions, and I think we even took the FAQ off the website because it was several too many years stale...

But yeah, "any time" makes more sense.

From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 11/16/2002 1:18 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 118.3
in reply to: 118.2
I believe the rules at the Source from o-so-many years ago on Saves were 'any time' was pretty much the norm. Otherwise, not much a deterrent.
From: DocSavage Posted on: 11/26/2002 12:48 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 118.4
in reply to: 118.2

Yes, that's right. Those are implicit "any time" and anyway, these days, aren't all OTE games pretty much casual, fun play? Go with the flow. :)


From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 11/27/2002 1:54 pm
To: DocSavage
Message: 118.5
in reply to: 118.4
Heh. Doc, you should have been at my college. We were all Control Addicts, brought to you by the letters 'C' and 'A'.
From: patrikkruse Posted on: 12/8/2002 7:05 am
To: DocSavage
Message: 118.6
in reply to: 118.4
Fun, yes, but casual??? ;)))
