Unknown Armies Just a thought...
From: Kirlian Posted on: 11/17/2002 10:32 am
Message: 119.1
Would a Naked Goddess Avatar be able to practice Pornomancy without going mad?
From: Call Sign: Chainsaw Posted on: 11/18/2002 4:35 am
To: Kirlian
Message: 119.2
in reply to: 119.1
I'm not sure the Naked Goddess has avatars, as such. I'm sketchy on this, but I think the perception of her archetype as the Woman Everyone Can Have But You is just consensus, rather than actually canon.

I seem to recall that Pornomancy's as close as you can get to following her path.

Were it not for that fact, I wouldn't see any problem with being an adept and an avatar at the same time.

Look at the Freak, or Jeeter. They're both avatars and adepts at the same time, though I can't remember what school Jeeter's in. I think he's a Cliomancer as well as a Pilgrim.

Doug Hare.

From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 11/18/2002 8:45 am
To: Call Sign: Chainsaw
Message: 119.3
in reply to: 119.2
I really got the feeling with all of the gratuitous capitalization that the WECHBY _is_ her Archetype.
From: Call Sign: Chainsaw Posted on: 11/18/2002 10:06 am
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 119.4
in reply to: 119.3
I'm just not sure that's officially ever been stated as definitely true, which is why I said it was just consensus, not canon.


From: Kirlian Posted on: 11/20/2002 1:18 pm
To: Call Sign: Chainsaw
Message: 119.5
in reply to: 119.2
Well yeah, but the Freak and Jeeter are both horribly insane. My question is whether one could be both without that particular side effect.