D20 System Games Silly Font Question
From: TheAuldGrump Posted on: 12/25/2002 2:53 pm
Message: 136.1
Silly question: What is the name of the font used for titles in Penumbra? It seems that I've seen that font around, but I have no idea as to its name...
The Auld Grump, unrecovered fontaholic
From: John Nephew Posted on: 12/25/2002 11:14 pm
To: TheAuldGrump
Message: 136.2
in reply to: 136.1
Do you mean titles on the outside of the books (in which case it varies from project to project) or the header titles inside many books (which is usually a modified version we made of a font called FelixTitling; we named our version FelixOversize, because it's very large for its point size and is all uppercase). But various projects have used different header fonts.

Give me a book and a specific reference, and I'll tell you. ;-)

From: TheAuldGrump Posted on: 12/26/2002 9:00 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 136.3
in reply to: 136.2
The font was used for the title 'Backdrops'. It looks like an attempt to lay out the letters as though they were blueprints, or perhaps guidelines for a starting caligrapher. As I said I've seen thant font before,but can't quite put my finger on it.

The Auld Grump

From: prophet118 Posted on: 12/26/2002 9:12 am
To: TheAuldGrump
Message: 136.4
in reply to: 136.3

im still looking for the exact font they used on the Rune book... its not quite a viking font, or futhark...


some of the letters look similiar to Deroos, but with the letters colored in..

the only bit of information they have given me is "look on such and such site for something similiar"... i wanted to edit the character sheet to match what i needed..........oh well so i just exported to TIFF format and edited the character sheet in paint shop pro, then made a new pdf out of the pictures

From: John Nephew Posted on: 12/26/2002 8:36 pm
To: TheAuldGrump
Message: 136.5
in reply to: 136.3
It's called "Roughwork." It's made by Dave Nalle's outfit, Scriptorium:


This very long URL gives you the direct link to buy it:


Dave does a LOT of REALLY cool fonts. Plus, he has an Ars Magica character named after him. ;-)

From: TheAuldGrump Posted on: 12/27/2002 11:10 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 136.6
in reply to: 136.5
Ah, thank you! I may actually have that somewhere, I coldn't for the life of me remember the name!

Thank's again,
The Auld Grump

From: Jeremiah Genest Posted on: 12/27/2002 1:18 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 136.7
in reply to: 136.5
Are they eeevil fonts?