Ars Magica Tribunals
From: Vicotnik Posted on: 1/11/2003 12:05 pm
Message: 140.1

I see there has been some discussion on the topic of tribunal books here and this something which I think is sorely missed. I can see the points made by John Nephew though.

What I suggest is a combined book for the three central western European tribunals, Provencal, Normandy and the Rhine. Maybe, if this is a success, a second book covering Transylvania, Thebes and even detailing orthodox Christianity would be a good idea?

Obviously a book like this couldn't be as detailed as "The Dragon and The Bear" or "Heirs to Merlin", but it would be a great start and should capture the interest of many GM's. I reckon most campaigns would at one time or another involve these areas. It could also be combined with a detailed map of mainland Mythic Europe (which has been requested here earlier).

What do you think?

From: marklawford Posted on: 1/11/2003 12:46 pm
To: Vicotnik
Message: 140.2
in reply to: 140.1
As eager as I am to have more tribunals content, I would vote against a combined book. I think it would actually sell the regions short and not give us what we want. I would like to see full supplements for each tribunal in the fullness of time.

While it has been made clear that updates of old supplements are a higher priority, I am hoping that some of the page count can be transplanted from all the story content (faeries, hedge magic...) and put into solid settings and examples taken from a tribunal about which we know little.

This would give us a hint of things to come and perhaps the tribunal books when they arrive can expand on those earlier hints.


From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 1/12/2003 7:04 am
To: marklawford
Message: 140.3
in reply to: 140.2
I think Tribunal books are gonners. None have been particularly amazing IMO. More books like The Mysteries and perhaps Living Legends (when it comes out) are what I'd like to see.


From: Vicotnik Posted on: 1/12/2003 12:14 pm
To: marklawford
Message: 140.4
in reply to: 140.2
The best would obviously be separate books for each tribunal, but at the rate at which supplements presently occur for Ars Magica (not very often) and with the priorities at Atlas concerning new supplements it would take a lot of patience to wait for the goods - the books probably wouldn't be available until 2010!

I think a book the size of "The Dragon and The Bear" could contain a lot of useful information on plots, politics, covenants, mythic places and general geography and history. A tribunal-book would inspire new campaigns/adventures set in the area and these could again further detail the tribunals.