D20 System Games Backdrops 2?
From: jasondurall Posted on: 1/14/2003 11:52 am
Message: 142.1
Any chance of additional Backdrops books being published?

Themed ones might also be of use, for example:

Barbaric Backdrops (primitive or barbarian-style backdrops)
Monstrous Backdrops (monster races and locales)
Modern Backdrops (good also for Feng Shui, spy games)
Future Backdrops (for the growing range of sci-fi games out there)
Asian Backdrops (also for FS, but also for L5R, Oriental Adventures, etc.)
Swashbuckling Backdrops (7th Sea, etc.)

If Atlas is interested in any of these as submissions, I'd be interested.

From: Hindmarch Posted on: 1/15/2003 1:21 pm
To: jasondurall
Message: 142.2
in reply to: 142.1
Hi there,

I'm going to assume that a desire for more Backdrops means you liked the first one. Well, then, thanks very much! There's nothing official I can tell you as an Atlas employee, unfortunately, about Backdrops 2 except that I think it's a great idea.

As a freelancer, though, I can tell you this: I'm way ahead of you, sir.

Will Hindmarch
Atlas Games
(Backdrops guy)