D20 System Games Nyambe at Conventions
From: dalefriesen Posted on: 1/16/2003 11:04 am
Message: 143.1

I've heard that there's a bunch of Nyambe stuff running at the
Winter Fantasy con in Fort Wayne at the end of the month. I can't
make it that far, but I'm curious to know who else is going.

Anyone from Atlas, for instance? How much convention Nyambe stuff
gets run?



From: John Nephew Posted on: 1/16/2003 4:28 pm
To: dalefriesen
Message: 143.2
in reply to: 143.1
We're not going to be there, alas, though we sent the Paradigm guys a bunch of prize support to help with the event.

I hope we'll see more Nyambe stuff at future conventions. Will, weren't you saying you would run Dire Spirits at Con of the North here in Saint Paul?

From: Hindmarch Posted on: 1/17/2003 12:40 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 143.3
in reply to: 143.2
In fact, I was saying that. Therefore, I'll run "Dire Spirits" at Con of the North, at least once.

Will Hindmarch
Atlas Games