Ars Magica Question regarding Piety Perception
From: SirParn Posted on: 1/26/2003 7:10 pm
Message: 148.1
Hiya All !!:)

I just have a quick question, i was wondering if Piety Perception would allow you to tell if a Faerie is lying to you, as it has being put to me that Piety Perception allows the person who has the ability to perceive the lie, through the corruption on the person's soul, and seeing how fae don't have souls, how would you view Piety Perception detecting lie's or deceptions by a fae?

If, this is covered in any of the books, if someone could point it out for me, as it may be in a book i don't own as yet & may need to buy.

Many Thanks

Sir Parn of House Tytalus, Prince and Knight of the Great White Oak, Dragon Knight of the Order of Hermes!!:)