Ars Magica Converting too & from D10 to D20
From: SirParn Posted on: 2/2/2003 6:06 pm
Message: 151.1
I think i may of already have asked this question before on the Old Ars Magica Forum, but i was wondering if there are any plans to produce a book or even a set of rules or guidelines which could be used to allow Game Masters as well as players, to convert between D10 to D20 or even the other way if so desired. As a set of guidelines for converting between systems would allow for people to collect other Atlas Games material to be used with both systems. With the use of the rules to simply convert between the two systems, i know there are plans to release a book which will contain dual Stats for both D20 & D10, but i think a lot of people would find a set of rules handy if they decided to want to switch to the D20 system or even switch from D20 to D10, without losing all their history of the game they have being playing in the process. Or even if there is someone out there who has devised their own set of house rules which would allow for the two systems to be converted to and from, as it could either be added to any upcoming release of any new Ars Magica book, or even offered as a free resource on the Atlas Games web site?

Many Thanks

Sir Parn of House Tytalus, Prince and Knight of the Great White Oak, Dragon Knight of the Order of Hermes!!:)

From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 2/2/2003 7:39 pm
To: SirParn
Message: 151.2
in reply to: 151.1
Converting Ars Magica to D20 is one of the easier conversions. The reason being: D20 is almost identical to Ars Magica with its basic mechanic.

However, all you need to do is port the Arts over to D20.

I believe there is a large file on the internet-- check

All you do is move the Arts directly over. Give starting magi 150 points to divide between them. For casting, you may want to add +5 or +10 to spell difficulties (level) due to the D20. Make 1s botch etc.

Damage from spells can also translate over quite easily- if an Ignem spell does +15 damage, then it does 15 HP damage. Likewise for Perdo Corpus spells that do Wound Levels, for each Wound Level, it does +5 HP damage.

It shouldn't be too hard.


Edited 2/2/2003 7:42:55 PM ET by AL3XWHITE
From: John Nephew Posted on: 2/3/2003 2:24 am
To: SirParn
Message: 151.3
in reply to: 151.1
We have no plans to do conversion guidelines at this point.
From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 2/4/2003 9:44 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 151.4
in reply to: 151.3
Good good. Too many companies jumped on the D20 bandwagon and made fools of themselves.


From: SirParn Posted on: 6/23/2003 4:47 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 151.5
in reply to: 151.3
Hiya All !!:)

The Main reason i was after a uniform set of rules for D10-D20 was to be able to convert backwards from D20-D10 as then players of Ars Magica (mainly myself and our troop), would be able to collect some of the other Atlas Games titles and use them in their campaigns if they desired.

Instead of a book containing the guidelines for the conversion, what about if Atlas Games were to make it available as a PDF in the Ars Magica section of your website??

Many Thanks

Sir Parn, Prince of the Court of the Great White Oak, White Dragon Knight of France!!:)

From: John Nephew Posted on: 6/23/2003 6:57 pm
To: SirParn
Message: 151.6
in reply to: 151.5
> Instead of a book containing the guidelines for the conversion,
> what about if Atlas Games were to make it available as a PDF in the
> Ars Magica section of your website??

Well, the basic problem would remain -- namely, someone would have to actually come up with a conversion system, test it, write it, etc. At this point, no such document exists, so it's not just a matter of sticking it on the website, unfortunately...

From: Crystal000 Posted on: 6/24/2003 3:43 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 151.7
in reply to: 151.6

As a Storyguide to Ars Magica, collecting other source materials to use in my game is always something i like to do, just to make things more interesting for the players.
If rules became available to convert D20 to D10 rules, not the other way around then it would allow many like myself to expand the game, as any Storyguide does.
So in response to Sir Parn, i can agree to his questions is or will there be available in the future rules to convert D20 systems (eg: AD&D) to Ars Magica, just to add spice to the game?

From: marklawford Posted on: 6/24/2003 11:18 am
To: Crystal000
Message: 151.8
in reply to: 151.7
If I find a resource for a game other than Ars and I want to use it in my saga, my take has always been to keep the idea the same and just decide on the mechanics/stats that would be appropriate to the ars setting.

I don't care how to translate Thrugnud's monstrous strength of 22 and +5 damage bonus. All I care about is that Thrugnud is hugely strong. I can model that in Ars by giving him a 5 or 6 strength etc. The same with spells. As long as the spell is within paradigm (no bringing back from the dead or plane walking) I can work out how to translate it.

The trouble with trying to come up with a set of conversion rules is that the d20 system is so expansive (as it is designed to be) that there will no doubt be something that isn't covered, and you are back to square one having to come up with the conversion yourself.

Having said all that, I am looking forward to Black Monks to see how the dual systems present the characters and situations.

Edited 6/24/2003 12:21:59 PM ET by MARKLAWFORD
From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 6/24/2003 7:42 pm
To: marklawford
Message: 151.9
in reply to: 151.8
>>I don't care how to translate Thrugnud's monstrous strength of 22 and +5 damage bonus. All I care about is that Thrugnud is hugely strong.<<

Actually, assuming we are talking about D20 here, you could take that +5 Str mod and use it directly for Ars Str Characteristic.

As for skills-- D20 has a 1-24 range (level +3), Ars has one (roughly) from 1-10 (although higher is possible). So if your D20 character has a Skill of 6, that equates to (roughly) an Ability of 3.

For Feats, there really is no comparison, but I can see no problem in either turning the Feats into Virtues and using The Mysteries Ordeal system to get new ones, or just leaving them as Feats and spend XP on getting them. Leave the bonuses and penalties the same.
