Ars Magica Fire and Ice, Cover Art
From: spuwdsda2 Posted on: 2/13/2003 6:33 am
Message: 156.1

Perhaps I'm biased, but imo this is the best cover Ars Magica has had in quite a while. :-)

I hope the Atlas Games can get Thomas Denmark for more ArM work.


- David W

From: marklawford Posted on: 2/13/2003 10:38 am
To: spuwdsda2
Message: 156.2
in reply to: 156.1
Hell hath no fury like a... ahem... "wyrm"... scorned.

Nice cover. I think I might have just judged the book by it. When is it out?

From: spuwdsda2 Posted on: 2/13/2003 10:42 am
To: marklawford
Message: 156.3
in reply to: 156.2

You'll have the ask 'the powers that be'. But my tealeaves say early March.


- David W

From: John Nephew Posted on: 2/13/2003 11:00 am
To: spuwdsda2
Message: 156.4
in reply to: 156.3
It went to press yesterday. Unfortunately, our printer just had a big problem with their platemaking -- some kind of ghosting issue -- that has set back their whole production schedule. Combine that with the usual extra turnaround time for hardcovers, and we may be looking at late March (like, the week after the GAMA Trade Show; I won't be able to pack orders when I'm out there in Las Vegas anyhow). Maybe there's some chance that we'll get an advance copy to show off to retailers there, though.

Great book, by the way! I really enjoyed proofreading it.

From: marklawford Posted on: 2/13/2003 11:32 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 156.5
in reply to: 156.4

Late March? Let's add a couple of weeks to that just to be safe...

Still, that's come around quick when you think about it. I'll keep an eye out on warehouse 23 for pre-orders from now on then.

I know this is a long shot, but any chance Alter Ago could be persuaded to release a .mds sheet with goodies from the book? Failing that, does anyone fancy creating a sheet based on the book and making it available.

I also notice that "Black Monks" should be out around the beginning of May. More good news.


From: spuwdsda2 Posted on: 2/13/2003 11:37 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 156.6
in reply to: 156.4

Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the line. I'm certainly very pleased with the final draft. David Chart and the playtesters helped us greatly, so thanks to them. It looks like your team have done an excellent job on the art and layout so I can't wait to see the finished work.

I have been applying the skin-thickening/flame-retardent cream for a few months now, so I should survive the Berkley-list... ;-)


- David W

From: John Nephew Posted on: 2/13/2003 11:48 am
To: marklawford
Message: 156.7
in reply to: 156.5
> I know this is a long shot, but any chance Alter Ago
> could be persuaded to release a .mds sheet with
> goodies from the book?

I hope they will, but it's their call.

> I also notice that "Black Monks" should be out
> around the beginning of May. More good news.

Keep in mind that it's "shipping to distributors in May." So even if we are completely on time, and it ships to distributors on May 1, it'll take a while to make it out onto store shelves...