D20 System Games Questions related to Touched By the Gods
From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 2/13/2003 1:05 pm
Message: 159.1
I finally picked up a copy of Touched By The Gods recently, and boy am I glad that I did. I can see tons of use for these groups in my campaign, even though my game world has "more realistic" religion with few-to-no actual clerics with Powerz From The Godz.

However one review of the book that I read made a mention of some errata, and also I've read some comments that the d20 stat blocks aren't necessarily 100% accurate. Is there any official errata for the book?

I was surprised to see that Artireos of the Spirits of Bohnarii was given no relevant ranks in flute-playing, woodcutting :) or equine husbandry after reading about these skills of his in the text description.

The other question is related to the ads at the back. Instrument of Destiny sounds like an adventure right up my alley... but as far as I know it was never published. Are there any plans to release it?

From: John Nephew Posted on: 2/13/2003 3:26 pm
Message: 159.2
in reply to: 159.1
Michelle will have to answer the questions about TBTG, but I can field this one:

> Instrument of Destiny sounds like an adventure
> right up my alley... but as far as I know it
> was never published. Are there any plans to
> release it?

I had it mostly written, but it needs playtest and there are some parts of it that I'm just not happy with. It's officially off the schedule, due to me not completing it, but I do hope to finish and publish it some day. In the current environment for adventures, though, there's no hurry. (Sadly, I do not think a D20 adventure right now would turn a profit.)