D20 System Games Dynasties & Demagogues
From: dalefriesen Posted on: 2/18/2003 3:16 pm
Message: 160.1

Is there a release date yet for Dynasties & Demagogues? Do you have any teasers for us?

From: Hindmarch Posted on: 2/18/2003 6:13 pm
To: dalefriesen
Message: 160.2
in reply to: 160.1
Hi there,

I'm not yet skilled in the art of approximating such things as release dates, but I can tell you that layout is done and I'm in the middle of proof-reading "Dynasties" right now. The art is in, and Scott's hand-crafting a lovely fantasy villa to go into the book. Perhaps I've said too much.

You can find a preview ("Rock the Vote") in the upcoming issue of Gaming Frontiers magazine. I'll be sure to get some peeks at the book out to you all in the near future, when it goes to press.

Did you see the rough cover in the Pipeline on the website?

Will Hindmarch
Atlas Games

From: dalefriesen Posted on: 2/18/2003 6:42 pm
To: Hindmarch
Message: 160.3
in reply to: 160.2
I did indeed see the cover. :)

Thanks for the quick response. I look forward to the preview.



From: dalefriesen Posted on: 4/7/2003 1:13 pm
To: Hindmarch
Message: 160.4
in reply to: 160.2
Is there anywhere to see the preview without having the magazine?

The only on-line release dates I can find for this product say "March 2003", which would seem to be incorrect. Is there an updated ETA?



From: Chris Aylott Posted on: 4/7/2003 3:06 pm
To: dalefriesen
Message: 160.5
in reply to: 160.4
It's officially an April book now. It did go the printers several weeks ago, and my understanding is that we can expect to see it Very Soon. (But not soon enough for me!)

John and Michelle did let me hold the proofs at the GAMA Trade Show this month, and it came out really well. It's going to be a lovely book!


Chris Aylott
bookseller and writer

From: John Nephew Posted on: 4/7/2003 4:11 pm
To: Chris Aylott
Message: 160.6
in reply to: 160.5
Yep, the book is at press right now. I expect to ship it when Michelle and I get back from GEN CON UK. (I hope it will be in the warehouse waiting for me when we return.) Since it's unlikely that distributors will all give me their order numbers without a couple of days of prodding and phone calls, this makes it likely that we'll be shipping to distributors on one of the last few days of April.
From: Hindmarch Posted on: 4/9/2003 1:39 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 160.7
in reply to: 160.6
I, too, will have some website teasers for you all. To be honest, this week I'm swimming in two other Penumbra books, so I expect we won't see the Dynasties & Demagogues freebies until next week. I hesitate to put too much out on the website too far before a book comes out. With the book just two weeks away from distributors (give or take), I'm happy to share!

Will Hindmarch
Atlas Games