Ars Magica Vestiges in Sand
From: niallchristi Posted on: 2/20/2003 3:50 pm
Message: 161.1
Salve Sodales,

Because one sub-supplement wasn't enough...

For those who might be interested, I have just posted some more material that didn't make it into Blood and Sand up on the web. "Vestiges in Sand" can be found at:

Please note that this is intended to be part of a greater project that will receive more attention when time (eventually) permits, so not all the links work, and the final format may change a little. However, I thought I would try and make sure the material was at least available before LoFaI came out!

As usual, comments, questions and so on are always welcomed.


From: spuwdsda2 Posted on: 2/20/2003 5:09 pm
To: niallchristi
Message: 161.2
in reply to: 161.1

Thanks for this. I'll have a good look at the material tomorrow, but it looks good. However, wouldn't HP be a better showcase for this work? I am sure Eric would love to publish it.

Btw, I am currently planning on submitted the 'Land of Fire and Ice' cuts to HP.


- David W

From: niallchristi Posted on: 2/20/2003 8:34 pm
To: spuwdsda2
Message: 161.3
in reply to: 161.2
Well, I promised a while back (on GO) to put this out on the web, so I guess I'm keeping that promise! :-) I'm also intending to add more to it eventually, so on that basis it seems like the appropriate medium to use.


Edited 2/20/2003 8:35:49 PM ET by NIALLCHRISTI
From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 2/21/2003 12:17 am
To: niallchristi
Message: 161.4
in reply to: 161.1
Hi ya,

I'm just wondering why you decided to have magi before the advent of Islam live only as hermits or advisors to tribal chieftains? As you are no doubt aware, there was a huge and rich culture of Zoroastrianism and cult religions such as Mithras and city gods. Surely the Sasanid and other Persian empires were not tribes. One of the big issues made in Ars Magica canon was that the Cult of Mercury, and Cult of Hermes before it, fought a lot with the magi that assisted the Persians.

Also, I didn't see any mention of the source of the term magi. Surely the group of people that created the term 'magi' should have made it into Blood and Sand as something more than a small text-box...?


From: GrandPoobahB Posted on: 2/21/2003 11:33 am
To: niallchristi
Message: 161.5
in reply to: 161.1
Thanks Niall!

Your hard work on B&S is really appreciated!


From: niallchristi Posted on: 2/21/2003 12:36 pm
To: Al3xWhite
Message: 161.6
in reply to: 161.4
Hi Alex,

You're right, before the rise of Islam there was much more to magic in the Middle East than the wizards of the Arab tribes. I was being careless - that first sentence should read "Before Islam, the Arabian peninsula..." Corrected now. :-)


From: APNorman Posted on: 2/24/2003 3:06 am
To: niallchristi
Message: 161.7
in reply to: 161.1
Well, you just convinced me to buy Blood and Sand as soon as I have the money to spare. (Whereas it was previously alongside several other books I wanted - basically it got promoted to the front of the list.)

Congrats, you just stumbled on a secret that Jim Baen of Baen Books has been exploiting for the last few years. Snippets and Free Promotional Material = Increased Sales.


From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 2/26/2003 8:24 am
To: niallchristi
Message: 161.8
in reply to: 161.6
From what I gathered, your speciality was Islam... any chance of a Blood and Sand II where you deal with Chaldean and Zoroastrian magi, not to mention the innumerable cults, faiths and magical practices that proliferate the area?


From: niallchristi Posted on: 2/27/2003 1:55 am
To: Al3xWhite
Message: 161.9
in reply to: 161.8
Well, I am hoping to add more material to Vestiges in Sand eventually, when time permits, although that could be a while, as we're currently busy getting Sanctum Hermeticum Revisited set up. At the top of my list for ViS are jinn characters and Egyptian magic.

Of course, if anyone else feels like submitting articles for ViS, they're welcome to do so... :-)


From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 2/28/2003 3:30 am
To: niallchristi
Message: 161.10
in reply to: 161.9
Can I suggest that you increase the number of sample jinn? The list that made it too BaS was rather sparse.


From: niallchristi Posted on: 3/1/2003 11:53 am
To: Al3xWhite
Message: 161.11
in reply to: 161.10
Good idea - I'll bear it in mind when I get around to adding more stuff.
