Ars Magica Creo Animal question
From: veltrica Posted on: 3/11/2003 6:10 pm
Message: 172.1
Several members of my troupe have asked questions about Creo Animal that I can't answer, could you please help me out. If a person eats food created by a Creo Animal or Herbam spell do they gain any energy from it if it is digested before the Sun duration expires? If not, why? Please feel free to email me a response at or post a reply. Thanks.
From: Decallom Posted on: 3/12/2003 2:06 am
To: veltrica
Message: 172.2
in reply to: 172.1
It is stated that you cannot gain true nourishment from food created without vis. I would, in my saga, allow gaining temporary refreshment from such food (just as if you would have eaten real food), but as the duration of the spell runs out, you are as you had never eaten at all. So while you might keep your belly full, you are risking starving yourself.

(By the way, this might be dieting interesting for Magi, albeit dangerous - don't show this to your obese-flawed Magi ;-)

From: marklawford Posted on: 3/12/2003 4:14 am
To: veltrica
Message: 172.3
in reply to: 172.1
Just to second another response, you could eat and be "nourished" and feel sated and refreshed. Then the spell duration comes up. I would have hunger hit the character like a hammer. Probably drop a fatigue level or at least make a fatigue roll or somesuch.

Now, some players might say, well, we creo breakfast and buy dinner, so no problem, we won't be hungry when the spell is up (unlikely but you just never know). I would still treat this like a missed meal and have the hunger kick in.
