Ars Magica The Icelandic Wars
From: spuwdsda2 Posted on: 3/25/2003 2:43 am
Message: 178.1

Prior to the release of 'Land of Fire and Ice', Atlas is giving away a PDF supplement. This 15 page supplement details a possible Hermetic invasion of Iceland.


- David W

From: dromedan Posted on: 3/27/2003 10:04 pm
To: spuwdsda2
Message: 178.2
in reply to: 178.1
I really didn't care much for the PDF released for "Blood & Sand" (and I'm not sure I'm going to pick it up). But this one really got me, and almost certainly convinced me to buy "Fire & Ice" when it comes out. I really enjoyed it.
From: spuwdsda2 Posted on: 3/28/2003 9:26 am
To: dromedan
Message: 178.3
in reply to: 178.2

Thanks! I hope you enjoy LoFaI as much.


- David W

From: John Nephew Posted on: 3/30/2003 12:39 am
To: spuwdsda2
Message: 178.4
in reply to: 178.3
All I know is that it was so cool I suggested to Michelle that we have a layover in Iceland on our way to Gen Con UK next month. I was hoping to visit Pan Caudarax's lair on Mount Hekla, but apparently we're too early in the season for that particular tour. Still, it should be a lot of fun to visit places I read about when I laid out the book...
From: spuwdsda2 Posted on: 3/30/2003 2:41 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 178.5
in reply to: 178.4

Have a great trip! Sounds like the Icelandic tourist board will be fans of the book as well. :)


- David W

From: Berengar Posted on: 4/2/2003 4:38 pm
To: spuwdsda2
Message: 178.6
in reply to: 178.1
Fools rush in ...

Is it just me, or are there also others to whom the behaviour of Julius and Lavinia looks more like that of 15 year olds on adrenalin from too much consumption of CNN war coverage than that of seasoned politicians of the Order of Hermes?

I admit that I have seen outrageous stupidities perpetrated by Magus PCs. (For example there really was a PC Magus who drove a covenant's obviously magical herd of sheep under the eyes of a visiting bishop, and after realizing the consequences plotted to ambush and kill said bishop on the outskirts of the covenant.) But I envision that such fools do not thrive in the order, and certainly not get into positions of influence. Magi of influence are far rather manipulative politicians at the level of a Dandolo or Richelieu - but with five times the experience of these worthies - than brainless legalistic warmongers like Lavinia or Julius.

I am quite willing to believe the existence of Hadrianus the Archmage (even persistent fools can sometime beat an Archmage in a contest) and the outcome of the Bergen expedition.

But does anybody believe that a Tribunal will, without gathering further information, commit to an immediate punitive expedition against unknown foes on the evidence provided by the twilight-ridden ghost of an Archmage who in life was certainly not known for his judgement?

At least the Post Coch Magi would certainly have moved at the Tribunal, as an adequate response to the fate of Hadrianus, to form a commission for an investigation of the magic workers and magical beings of Iceland and their motivations with respect to the Order, to be assessed latest at the next Tribunal. I am quite convinced that this motion would be agreed upon by an overwhelming majority of Magi.

This investigation would be undertaken on several levels immediately.
(1) In libraries.
(2) By interviewing travelers.
(3) By long range information gathering magic.
(4) By sending unknowing pawns to Iceland with very specific tasks (especially gathering arcane connections) - to be magically debriefed at their return.

After the evaluation of the outcome of this initial phase, the commission might decide on a second phase involving some or all of the following:
(5) Sending Magi for covert investigation to Iceland. These could be Bjornaer in Heartbeast form, Jerbitons posing as mundanes or ex Miscellanea trying to fit into magic traditions found in phase one.
(6) Contacting denizens of Iceland who have been individuated in phase one and deemed approachable.
(7) Setting up some covert base on Iceland.

All this provides as much or more possibilities for PC Magi to participate. And during all this time there would be complex political maneuvering for priority access to information gathered, and for control of such information's spreading and interpretation within the order, which also can involve PCs. The supplement gives a few - though simplistic - ideas for this, indeed.



From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 4/7/2003 5:51 pm
To: Berengar
Message: 178.7
in reply to: 178.6
I agree. The actions of the senior magi were woefully foolish. Given that a fellow Arch mage (with a combat focus) had been driven into Final Twilight, you can bet your left ear that none of my Arch magi would have been running into Iceland waving their dicks around. They'd have utilised pawns, tried to get the locals on side and made the whole venture a long term project.

*Then*, when they knew what they were up against, they'd gather a posse and whip some arse.

Even assuming that they just ran in, they'd still make use of the Intellego art to discover what the deal was with the guardian spirits, with the hedge-magi and so on. They'd use a bit of divide and conquer-- offer some of the disgruntled hegies the parma magica in exchange for information and assistance ("sure... you can rule iceland when we're gone..."), compel a few spirits or even one of the guardians, to attack the others etc.


From: mithriel Posted on: 4/11/2003 2:43 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 178.8
in reply to: 178.4
I've spent 5 days in Iceland last year and I wish I could have stayed more. Definitely an amazing (and beautiful) country!