Ars Magica Infernalism, Lycanthropy and Black Monks
From: haakonolav Posted on: 4/3/2003 6:30 am
Message: 181.1
It will be interesting to see what "Black Monks of Glastonbury" will have of Infernal "goodies" but I thought I'd post a little infernal item as my own twist on the subject. Legends about lycantrophy is many. Some legends say it's a "natural" occurence, others involves pacts with the devil and this is one of the latter. A german legend from the 15th century tells of a man who made a pact with Satan and got a belt that could change him into a wolf or a "wolf-man". He was discovered, his limbs broken with wooden axes on a wheel, then decapitated and burnt. So heres "Devils belt of lycantrophy": The wearer can twice a day change to a wolf and back. When it's a full moon he may use this belt as many times as he likes, and also take the dreaded "wolf-man" shape.
So what do you think?
From: marklawford Posted on: 4/3/2003 10:47 am
To: haakonolav
Message: 181.2
in reply to: 181.1
Hi there.

I have a Bjornaer player in the troupe at present and I am always on the lookout for little vignettes to throw his way.

I'll let you know how he gets on with his encounter with the belt.


From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 4/18/2003 9:03 pm
To: haakonolav
Message: 181.3
in reply to: 181.1
Hey, that's pretty cool!

I guess I should give more credit to an author for doing research. Jim Butcher presents something like 4 different types of werewolves, all in one novel (_Fool Moon_)! I guess it's not too much of a spoiler to say that one of those four types is the "werewolf belt".

I don't suppose there are any famed/infamous/mythical medieval treatises on lycanthropy, are there? I know this has nothing to do with Ars Magica (although some of you might be able to help?), but I'm planning on running a superhero adventure in which a gangster wants to turn himself into a werewolf, and I need the name of an "evil tome" for it. I tried making up a name myself, but my Latin is EXTREMELY rusty: De Re Natura Versipellum...