Feng Shui Some questions about guns from a new GM
From: 8bitHero Posted on: 4/14/2003 2:41 pm
Message: 184.1
Say, I have some (probably very obvious) questions about guns in Feng Shui.

First of all, how many bullets can a character fire in one shot?

If he fires more than one bullet, is there more damage?

Thanks for your time!

From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 4/14/2003 3:48 pm
To: 8bitHero
Message: 184.2
in reply to: 184.1

With a revolver or a semi-auto, you can fire off one at a time. Actually, you could fire off more if you want to look cool or you're (I think) providing cover fire. There would probably be some serious modifiers to try to squeeze more than one off in a combat action, but it's damage would probably be akin to BGB (I'm thinking a -4, since BGB starts at -2).

Much more worth to have an rifle or a SMG, where you can fire singly or in bursts in multiples three shots.

For each three shots fired in an action, you get +1 damage on the overall base attack of the gun (that's not 3 * damage + 1, just damage + 1).

For each nine shots fired in an action, you get a -1 AV on the roll to see how well you hit.

And yes, that means six bullets from a burst gun is the sweet spot - +2 damage with no penalty. If you were to empty an UZI (30 bullets) in a single attack, it would be +10 damage and -3 AV. (Mind you, that'd still screw someone up pretty good.) And then you would just change clips and go in three shots later if you have Lightning Reload.

Remember, the point is to look cool while putting your opponents in your kill zone, not just kacking them.

Cool over everything. Just like soccer.

From: 8bitHero Posted on: 4/14/2003 6:04 pm
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 184.3
in reply to: 184.2
Thanks for the reply! That really clears up the confusion.
From: Sensei Posted on: 4/14/2003 9:43 pm
To: 8bitHero
Message: 184.4
in reply to: 184.1
Don't forget, you can take the oft-overlooked "snapshot" action, in which case you can fire the same gun more quickly, even though you're only firing one bullet per action. If you have a decent Guns AV to offset the snapshot penalties, taking snapshots is reasonably effective, and you can really pump out the lead even with semi-autos or revolvers.

This is good for keeping mooks' heads down, or distracting the Named Bad Guy while your buddies set up a more effective attack. (Like, say, blowing up the hotel...)

From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 4/15/2003 10:26 am
To: Sensei
Message: 184.5
in reply to: 184.4
And don't forget the _kickass_ Mook Bowling rule. I expect that this is going to save my character's bacon in the next reel that I'm doing (sub-titled "Just Keep Running"). That is, if someone hits a mook but doesn't knock them out of the running, you knock them back for a shot. Keeps the mooks at bay while laying down the much larger smack.
From: Queex Posted on: 4/16/2003 4:40 am
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 184.6
in reply to: 184.5
I'd say you can fire off as many shots as credibility allows, as long as you don't seek any effect you wouldn't normally or would have to buy a schtick to get.

For example, taking a single action to shoot away all the guns a guy was carrying strapped to his body. Although when I saw someone try this they fumbled the roll and killed an essential contact.

C'est la vie.