Feng Shui Movie influence: The Mummy in Feng Shui
From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 4/18/2003 9:18 pm
Message: 188.1
It has to be one of my all-time favourite movies (I'm a big kid at heart), and is surely ideal source material for the ever-popular Pulp juncture. A lot of the main characters would actually translate well:

Rik O'Connell - ex-Special Forces (he was in the French Foreign Legion, change Fu for Fortune).

Evelyn Carnaghan - Everywoman Hero (tweaked to have lots of academic Info/skills - along the lines of bookish and doesn't "get" the modern era rather than dumb pop-culture junkie).

Jonathan Carnaghan - Gambler

Ardeth Bey - not so sure, possibly a modified ex-Special Forces type with weapon, rather than gun schticks.

Imhotep - a Sorceror who is also a Supernatural creature ie a double hard badass of an antagonist.

If we're talking Mummy Returns then we beef the main characters up a little (boosting Evie's combat skills for one), and gain:

Alex O'Connell - Scrappy Kid, and a hilarious one at that!

Izzy - Techie or Pilot

Lock-Nah - bad guy, so we don't really need an archtype!
Scorpion King - Supernatural all the way, baby!
Anuck Su Namum - again bad guy so no need to worry about archetypes.

Anyone have any other ideas for movie influences or developements on the Mummy?


From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 4/18/2003 11:25 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 188.2
in reply to: 188.1
Ex-Special Forces characters can have Fu rather than Gun schticks, that's standard, so you could use that for Bey. Or ... this will seem weird, but what about Ninja? (Using those values, but calling it Tribal Warrior or something like that.)

One of the book has an Archaeologist in it... though I don't remember which one.

Admittedly I'm only operating on partial knowledge because I have avoided seeing The Mummy Returns so far.

From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 4/19/2003 7:11 am
Message: 188.3
in reply to: 188.2
I can kind of see it, but Ninja is a bit too urban and sneaky (and Fu based) for what we saw of Bey in the movie. I don't think Fu really fits in the film, we didn't see the heroes do anything along those lines, whereas Sorcery and the supernatural were essential elements. That's why I thought switching Fu for Fortune with O'Connell (cos he, like the others are all incredibly lucky).

I've always played with the ex-Special Forces archetype being able to switch Sabotage for Intrusion (for a sublter blend of commando - or SWAT), and that works quite well for Bey. Martial Arts as his higher combat AV (he uses guns, but is quite the swordsman). Info skills are fairly interchangeable anyway, and Desert Survival would make more sense. Add Leadership and Info/Ancient Egypt and I think you're there. Use weapon schticks in place of gun, with lots in Symphony of Slaughter, then Razor Edge Senses and Quick Draw. Again change the Fu for Fortune. I think it works well for a general warrior archetype with a little tweaking.

I thought the Everywoman Hero was actually kind of inspired for Evie. Essentially that's what the Plucky Heroine is, but along different lines to the All American. She can be intelligent, but of course she is kind of socially inept and a bit short on common sense sometimes. So instead of the low-brow, it's entirely high-brow with lots on the academic Info skills.

Admittedly, she's not the best in combat (Martial Arts 11, Guns 9 I came out with), but there was the whole Sorcery-out-of-the-book business. That's easily modelled on using the relevant Info skill as an ersatz Sorcery skill on whatever spell you happen to be reading from the book. If we're playing at the time of the second film, she's significantly better with all things martial, and what a perfect Feng Shui style plot device memories of a past life are.

Seeing Mummy Returns is a must. As a film, it isn't as good as the Mummy, but its funny, has some very good stunts and fights (lots of sword-fights too), and is of course still lots of fun. Just avoid Scorpion King (as in the one with the Rock, not the Hong Kong movie) like the plague. Without the original cast it has nothing.

Glad someone's still around!

From: prophet118 Posted on: 4/19/2003 9:43 am
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 188.4
in reply to: 188.3
well scorpion king has nothing really to do with the o'connels... hence it being set way in the past, before thery were a gleam in anyones eye....

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From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 4/19/2003 5:55 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 188.5
in reply to: 188.3
Well, maybe I will rent The Mummy Returns sometime.

Ironically, though I think it would be really cool to have a pulp period in Feng Shui, I think it would be best served by actually coming up with appropriate archetypes rather than trying to fit characters in an existing pulp setting to the existing ones. Imagine something like "Tribal Warrior" for Bey, for instance.

Either that or - although I regularly suggest people use Feng Shui for lots of other types of games - run it in WW's _Adventure_.

From: prophet118 Posted on: 4/19/2003 9:09 pm
Message: 188.6
in reply to: 188.5
adventure has its own problems....lol, mainly itself....hehe...... im working on a way to remodel the system, i seriously doubt it would be d20, as that would probably ruin it

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From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 4/20/2003 2:15 pm
Message: 188.7
in reply to: 188.5
There was a Pulp! (yes with the exclamation mark) juncture set in 1932 for Feng Shui I believe, it may have even been an offical release that never actually made it after the folding of Daedelus. Ok, just checked and I'm wrong, Daedelus never actually committed to it.

Believe it was one of many minor Junctures that could have been covered by supplements.

I've definitely seen a website dedicated

There's a conversion of Pulp Adventures from Rolemaster


Steve Barr's FS Pulp


Lets be honest, it wouldn't be difficult to invent. There was a whole occult revival due to excitement over the discoveries of the various tombs in Egypt. Perhaps some smoking-jacketed secret society (Hermetic Order of the Dawn or something?) could be the people just about in charge, using a bit of sorcery and demon-summoning to keep one step ahead of the Ascended.

An ambient Sorcery modifier of 0 means it doesn't mess with the Netherworld either. Depending on whether you set in the 20s (1923 is my personal preference), 30s or 40s, would determine who the other major players are.

I'd agree with a few new archetypes, but other than Bey, I think the others actually work well. O'Connell is definitely ex-Special Forces (French Foreign Legion), Jonathan the Gambler and so on. Pulp would be well served by many of the existing archetypes, just needs a few new ones.

As for Adventure! why bother remodelling the system, surely better to use the source material and run it as a FS game proper? Surely can't be that difficult to rob for a few new schticks and archetypes?

I'm biased cos I hate d20, and I'm just plain sick of the Storyteller System.


Edited 4/20/2003 2:25:48 PM ET by MASTER_KIERO
From: prophet118 Posted on: 4/20/2003 3:22 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 188.8
in reply to: 188.7
well id likely run Adventure, using Rune...lol

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