D20 System Games Sacred Ground
From: KnuckleD Posted on: 4/22/2003 4:59 am
Message: 192.1
hey, when can we see all the goodies for Sacred Ground? Isn't that sucker coming out in a month or two or something? Let's see the final cover (how cool was that fricken island?!) or some interior artwork or some excerpts/pdfs/freebies.

feed my d20 addiction, steve!


From: JoeGKushner Posted on: 5/13/2003 12:55 am
To: KnuckleD
Message: 192.2
in reply to: 192.1
This another product that sneaked under the radar or what?
From: John Nephew Posted on: 5/13/2003 1:20 am
To: JoeGKushner
Message: 192.3
in reply to: 192.2
Well, we did the usual thing...solicitation info went out to distributors 4+ months ago...a description and cover mock-up appeared in Game Trade Magazine (from Alliance Distributors)...we'll be shipping it sometime next week. I think I even posted the description on ENWorld's messageboards at some point. And I know we've had the artwork in the "coming soon" area on our website...

Originally it was going to be one book, but we wound up splitting it into two $20 morsels, rather than one huge (and more expensive) package. Sacred Ground II (subtitle yet to be determined) should be out in another 6 months or so.

Basically, it's like Seven Cities or Seven Strongholds, but instead it's four holy sites. Good stuff. And I LOVE the cover art.

From: JoeGKushner Posted on: 5/13/2003 1:26 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 192.4
in reply to: 192.3
Looks like I'll have to fine more swap goods for ya. :-) I swear though, I must be snoozing or something or Atlas isn't doing enough promotion on En World's publisher's forum.
From: Hindmarch Posted on: 5/15/2003 5:04 pm
To: JoeGKushner
Message: 192.5
in reply to: 192.4
That's funny, Joe. I thought the book's spot on the cover of Campaign magazine might be considered exposure. Believe me, I'll bring up Sacred Ground on EN World when it's turn comes up and the EN World message boards resurface. Until then, Uncommon Character's getting its time in the spotlight.


Will Hindmarch
Atlas Games

From: John Nephew Posted on: 5/15/2003 11:57 pm
To: Hindmarch
Message: 192.6
in reply to: 192.5
See, now, until Will brought that up to me today, I didn't even know we did that deal with Campaign.

We upper management types are so insulated from everything!

From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 5/17/2003 12:35 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 192.7
in reply to: 192.6
It must have slipped by when you took the 1d6 subdual damage from the Penumbra Bestiary.


From: JoeGKushner Posted on: 5/17/2003 2:32 am
To: Al3xWhite
Message: 192.8
in reply to: 192.7
Well, I guess part of the problem is the latest issue of Campaign I recall seeing is the one with the Mafia cover. Perhaps next issue?
From: Hindmarch Posted on: 5/19/2003 4:16 pm
To: JoeGKushner
Message: 192.9
in reply to: 192.8
On news-stands now.