Feng Shui Transformed Animals
From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 4/22/2003 12:14 pm
Message: 193.1
What's people's experience with them in their games? Are they popular, or do people stay well away from them?

In my games people left well alone; they're good cos they can use Fu powers and start with good Chi, and lots of choice for skills. But they're extremely restrictive in the attributes they get, and some types are just...well no one would play a Spider. Better to trade those five Tranimal schticks for Fu schticks one player told me. Course then that would be treading on the Old Master's turf. And that old Reversion chesnut.

And why is the Tiger so weak? It's one of the most powerful creatures in Chinese mythology (probably second to the Dragon), surely they deserve better treatment. Snake, Monkey and Fox are cool though. Dragon is if you learn lots of cheap Fu.

Are the new ones from Golden Comeback any better? What about Seal of the Wheel?

Can anyone offer some inspiration for Tranimals, or will they remain GMCs only?

Rebuttals or alternative views welcome.


From: Sensei Posted on: 4/22/2003 7:48 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 193.2
in reply to: 193.1
I chimed in on the arcanotech posting, so I figured I'd chime in here because my group's response is the same...

We don't use/ care for Transformed PCs. Not that the idea isn't cool, cuz it sorta' is, but it's the damn reversion effect. It's almost worse than mutation checks for arcanotech.

I mean, with two junctures AND the Netherworld piling on reversion points, what T-animal is gonna go anywhere?! Even if it's only one day spent wandering the Inner Kingdom, and only one reversion point, all it takes is a -single- bad reversion check roll to basically destroy your character instantly. (Unless the GM actually allows you to keep playing an elephant PC...)

I have uses for them as GMCs, but for the most part, in my campaign the Ascended animals really are the shadowy, unseen, rarely encountered figures lurking way the hell far away from magic-spewing PCs and Netherworld portals.

Having said that, I'd get a bizarre kick out of playing a cranky transformed armadillo...

From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 4/22/2003 8:17 pm
To: Sensei
Message: 193.3
in reply to: 193.2
Again I'd have to agree. I think the mystery that should go with these rare and powerful players in the Secret War works best when the PCs can't be them. Loses something when a character can say of your really cool NPC "I can do that too."

So maybe another one for the GM only basket, along with the Arcanowave stuff. Besides I think most people find it rather difficult to grasp being an animal, yet a human. Easier for them to get Supernatural Creatures (which after all better model hengyokai, which seem to be the influence for the Ascended).

It even suggests that lycanthropes (close cousins to hegyokai, surely?) are better played as Supernaturals, since Tranimals cannot shift between their forms. Anyone tried this? In the one campaign I got to be a player the Supernatural Creature's "subtle" (ie alternate non-demonic) form was a tiger. Thrugg the Destroyer of Worlds we miss you...


From: Queex Posted on: 4/28/2003 5:51 am
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 193.4
in reply to: 193.3
I played a transdragon when I took a break from GMing. Admittedly, I didn't get the whole Tranimal experience as I never really took Tranimal schticks. Although, stats pumping was fun. Playing a character with Me First and Ich Bin Ein Bruiser is an experience.

I don't actually mind playing Arcano or Tranimals with reversion problems. Flaws are fun.

From: eXceL111 Posted on: 5/22/2003 3:58 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 193.5
in reply to: 193.1
I find Transformed animals to be some of the most powerful creatures available in Feng Shui. The monkey (with bouncing attack x3), the snake (with warning strike x2 or 3), the crab (with impervious and lots of armor)... are extremely strong. About the only advice I would have is not to be a spider!

True, they do not get to choose their characteristic, but you can get the characteristics you want by choosing your animal type. On the other hand, they have good chi and skills.

As for reversion, it is purely a GM call. If you play mostly in a single juncture, it is not a problem. Otherwise, a 69AD tranimal is pretty much immune to reversion. Besides, since they were not born to the ascended, they have a good reason to be ascended. Golden comeback also has a schtick simulating the resistance to reversion of 69AD tranimals.

As for the tiger, they are indeed remarkably unexciting for such a powerful creature. However, by staying on the defensive and using their "mark prey" schtick a few times first, they can get to the point where they can easily trash their opponent. Still, this is not an exciting combat method. The starting dragon is very peculiar (fantastic characteristics and skills but no schticks), but really cool and with great long term potential.

Finally, roleplaying tranimals who are not part of the ascended in the modern juncture makes for interesting interaction: distrust from other dragons, recruiting or hunting from the Ascended, leave interesting plot threads.

In conclusion, tranimals do tend to be popular choices in my campaign.

From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 5/22/2003 7:45 pm
To: eXceL111
Message: 193.6
in reply to: 193.5
Nice to hear the other side. Thanks for that.

I'd still be tempted to tweak the Tiger in my own games to put it behind the Dragon. +2Bod and +2 Perception wouldn't break the game too much.

Like the sound of the generic ones from Golden Comeback, something for those animals with uninspiring starting choices.


From: eXceL111 Posted on: 5/23/2003 7:02 am
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 193.7
in reply to: 193.6
I have been tempted to tweak the tiger also, but I do not really have a good idea how to do it. I think the problem is that the tiger is presented as a lone hunter instead of a fighter. He will not normally be found in a large scale combat or cooperating in a group.

A tiger attacking an ennemy faction cell will find a mook, mark him, and intimidate him or take him out non-lethally. Then when the mook recovers he can track him to his "lair" where he can sneak in, take out the sentiunels by ambush, then pounce into the fray. This is a very efficient tactic and perfectly consistent with a hunter.

Social skills and the predator schtick (from Golden C.) will round up the character for non-combat situations. He will of course be the leader of any group he participates in.

All that makes the Tiger a good NPC but not a good dragon faction character choice. That is the way it is set up...

From: BillionSix Posted on: 5/26/2003 1:17 am
To: eXceL111
Message: 193.8
in reply to: 193.7
I played a Transformed dragon in a campaign once. He was modern day private eye named Danny Lo. I was planning to use my early experience to buy the Latency schtick from Golden Comeback, then later on, try and talk the GM into letting me buy some private eye type schticks.

Anyway, the VERY FIRST ADVENTURE involved a critical shift which dramatically raised the magic level of the modern world.

Stupid frickin' GM.... ;)
